
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk Unveils Company's New Manned Spacecraft, The Dragon V2
Oct 24, 2016 05:50 AM EDT

Where Will People Live On Mars? Know What Elon Musk Has To Say About It

Elon Musk recently addressed queries on where people will live on Mars, once they reach the Red Planet.

Oct 24, 2016 05:40 AM EDT

NASA To Start Fire In Space

NASA is going to start a fire in space with its Cygnus cargo spacecraft.

UFO Sighting
Oct 24, 2016 05:30 AM EDT

Aliens Visited Earth 250,000 Years Ago? New Findings Seem To Suggest

The discovery of an object fuelled speculation that aliens visited Earth 250,000 years ago, know why and how.

Low Fare Airlines Offer Flights For Less Than A Dollar
Oct 24, 2016 05:30 AM EDT

Oxygen Shift May Be Key To Curing Jet Lag, Scientists Say

There could finally be a way to travel without getting jet lagged.

Oct 24, 2016 05:30 AM EDT

Fitness Can Lower Down Negative Effects Of Continuous Sitting

Physical activities have several benefits. A new study has revealed that fitness, and not physical activity, reduces the risk of cardiovascular studies

150 Years German Red Cross: Senior Citizens Care
Oct 24, 2016 05:20 AM EDT

Scientists Try To Find What Happens When Our Brains Forget

Can people remember the things that they have already forgotten? If not, where do these memories go?

Blue-green Algae Blooms At Dianchi Lake In Kunming
Oct 24, 2016 05:10 AM EDT

Flesh-Eating Bacteria Caused The Life Of A Man Four Days After Contact

Michael Funk died after four days of being infected with a flesh-eating bacteria.

Hospital Ship USNS Comfort Treats Victims Of Earthquake In Haiti
Oct 24, 2016 05:10 AM EDT

Baby Born Twice: For Operation, Then For Birth

Lynlee Hope Boemer was born not only once, but twice: and no, it's not reincarnation.

Obesity and obese people
Oct 24, 2016 05:00 AM EDT

Obese People Should NEVER Be Discriminated

Next time, be careful while discriminating obese people as it can increase their health risks.

OnePlus 2,3 And X Models to get Android 7.0 Nougat Update this Christmas
Oct 24, 2016 04:51 AM EDT

OnePlus 3T With Android 7.0 Nougat Leaked on Weibo: Rumored To Arrive Before OnePlus 4?

A post was identified to be updated using a device known as the OnePlus 3T. Does this indicate a new upcoming device beside the OnePlus 4.

Oct 24, 2016 04:50 AM EDT

How E-Cigarettes Can Hurt Kids, Everything You Need To Know

Next time, beware while taking up e-cigarettes as they can cause ill effects on your kids as well.

Tips To Improve iPhone Battery Life
Oct 24, 2016 04:50 AM EDT

7 Killer Tips To Improve iPhone's Battery Life: Here's How To Get The Best Out Of Your Battery

With Fast internet connections, WiFis and Apps for everything, a phones battery is more important than any other specifications of your phone. iPhone is no different. Let us share some killer tips to improve your iPhone's battery life.

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