
BepiColombo Mission
Jul 10, 2017 04:11 AM EDT

BepiColombo Mission To Fly Into 'Pizza-Oven-Like' Furnace Orbit Of Mercury

Scientists have unveiled the BepiColombo spacecraft that will travel to Mercury.

Mars Soil
Jul 10, 2017 03:59 AM EDT

Mars Soil May Be Toxic: Bad News For Alien Life Hunt?

Researchers have found that the surface of Mars has toxic chemicals that can kill alien life form.

Placenta Pills
Jul 07, 2017 06:07 AM EDT

CDC Warns Against Placenta Pills After Infant Gets Infected

Placenta pills may be dangerous for babies, new report shows.

California Embryo Bank Provides Donated Eggs For Stem Cell Research
Jul 07, 2017 05:52 AM EDT

Women Freeze Eggs Due To Male Shortage?

Women freeze eggs because they cannot find worthy male partners

Shark Bite Research Carried Out At UNSW
Jul 07, 2017 05:42 AM EDT

Sharks Could Hold Secret To Long Life, Scientists Say

Scientists want to learn more about shark DNA as it holds secrets to long life.

Meet ‘Razana’ - The Jurassic Period Crocodile That Could Challenge A T-Rex
Jul 07, 2017 05:30 AM EDT

Meet ‘Razana’ - The Jurassic Period Crocodile That Could Challenge A T-Rex

A giant crocodile that lived during the age of the dinosaurs was as fearsome as the T-rex.

Gravitational Waves
Jul 07, 2017 05:25 AM EDT

‘GOTO’ Telescope Launched For Detecting Optical Signals From Gravitational Waves

A telescope has been officially launched on the Canary Islands to detect optical signals from gravitational waves.

Lunar Robot
Jul 07, 2017 05:17 AM EDT

Lunar Robots Are Being Tested On Italy’s Mount Etna For Future Space Missions

Experts are testing robots on Mount Etna as part of the ROBEX program.

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Rocket Carrying The Intelsat 35e Satellite Launched Successfully
Jul 07, 2017 05:12 AM EDT

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Rocket Carrying The Intelsat 35e Satellite Launches Successfully

SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket after two aborted attempts and a three-day delay.

A Giant Iceberg Is About To Break Off From Antarctica
Jul 07, 2017 05:06 AM EDT

Update: A Massive Antarctic Ice About The Size Of Delaware Is On The Verge Of Breaking Off

An enormous iceberg is about to calve from the Larsen C ice shelf.

The World's Most Lovable Solar Energy Farm
Jul 07, 2017 05:00 AM EDT

A Cute Giant Panda-Inspired Solar Farm Developed

This Panda Power Plant is not only cute and fascinating but also evironmental-friendly and very useful.

Beta Amyloid And Tau Proteins (Transglutaminase Substrates) LECMA
Jul 07, 2017 04:50 AM EDT

Breakthrough: Molecular Structure Of The Protein That Triggers The Progression Of Alzheimer's Disease Uncovered For The First Time

This breakthrough could lead to the development of new treatments for combating Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.

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