
Jupiter Aurora
Sep 06, 2016 04:39 AM EDT

Juno Spacecraft Captures First Images Of Jupiter’s North Pole, Reveals Unexpected Weather System

Recently captured images of Jupiter by Juno reveals interesting details about the giant planet.

cooking outside
Sep 06, 2016 04:38 AM EDT

Diabetes News And Latest Update: Methods Of Cooking May Contribute To The Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

Changing the way you cook could help reduce your risk of getting type 2 diabetes, a new study suggests.

OSIRIS-Rex spacecraft approaching asteroid Bennu
Sep 06, 2016 04:37 AM EDT

NASA's Asteroid-Sampling Mission: OSIRIS REx, Set To Launch On Sept. 8

NASA has set the launch date of its first asteroid-sampling mission, the OSIRIS REx spacecraft on September 8 with the hopes of harvesting a large quantity of samples from the near-Earth asteroid ‘Bennu’.

Tropical Typhoon forming into a Cyclone
Sep 06, 2016 04:34 AM EDT

Southeast Asia, China To Face Much Stronger Typhoons

The East and Southeast Asia are about to face stronger and deadlier typhoons in the coming years because of the warming ocean waters that adds energy to the storm.

Jarvis shield interface
Sep 06, 2016 04:32 AM EDT

Iron Man’s JARVIS Might Come To Life by 2030: Stanford Study Predicts How AI Might Alter Urban Life

According to the Stanford report entitled "Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030," robots will not only be used for housekeeping but will also serve as added security for homes.

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge
Sep 06, 2016 04:26 AM EDT

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Could Be Facing A VERY Explosive Battery Problem, Are Reports Real?

Samsung is set to release their all new Galaxy Note 7 in the United Kingdom today (September 2), but reports said some shipments of the flagship smartphone are delayed due to leaking reports of exploding batteries.

Sleeping Naked
Sep 06, 2016 04:25 AM EDT

Why People Should Sleep NAKED?

People are advised to sleep naked since it promotes deeper and healthier sleep, production of oxytocin, increases sperm count for males, and avoids bad odor and infection for females.

Research At The Birkbeck Babylab Into Brain And Cognitive Development
Sep 06, 2016 04:21 AM EDT

Language Learning Can Help Your Brain Work Faster, Study Says

Learning foreign languages as a child can help one's brain work faster, according to new study.

U.S. President Barack Obama Visits China
Sep 06, 2016 04:10 AM EDT

US, China To Ratify Paris Climate Deal

Biggest superpowers in the world finally accepts that climate change is real.

The Mary Rose Museum Opens Nine New Viewing Galleries
Sep 06, 2016 04:10 AM EDT

Henry VIII Doomed Warship In 3D Online

Mary Rose, King Henry VIII's doomed warship can now be examined in 3D online.

Smoking A Cigarette
Sep 06, 2016 04:08 AM EDT

Smoking Reduces Calorie Intake, Study Reveals

A study shows that smoking had a severe effect on dietary intake, thus reducing it by 152 calories.

Philae touchdown
Sep 06, 2016 03:45 AM EDT

ESA's Philae Comet Lander Found Lying In A Deep Crack In The Shadow Of A Cliff

Philae, a comet lander, which has been thought to be forever lost was finally identified lying on its side in a deep crack in the shadow of a cliff of a comet.

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