
Heavy Rain And Wind
Jun 13, 2017 06:06 AM EDT

Rainfall May Increase More In The Future As The Climate Warms, NASA Says

NASA study suggests that there will be an increased rainfall in the future than expected.

5 Foods That Are Clinically Proven To Help Erase Depression
Jun 13, 2017 05:57 AM EDT

Is Your Diet Leading To Depression? Study Reveals

How would you conquer depression through your diet?

Giant Planet: Jupiter
Jun 13, 2017 05:31 AM EDT

Jupiter Is The Oldest Planet In The Solar System, A New Study Reveals

The gas giant is not only the biggest planet but also the oldest planet in the solar system.

Couple Visits Lincoln Memorial
Jun 13, 2017 05:16 AM EDT

Lincoln Memorial's Reflecting Pool To Be Drained By Park Service

National Park Service to drain and clean Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool after 80 ducks died.

The Republic Of Yemen
Jun 13, 2017 05:05 AM EDT

Yemen Cholera Epidemic Reaches 'Devastating' Proportions

Yemen's cholera epidemic has further worsened due to the malnourishment experienced in the war-ravaged country.

Mars Curiosity Rover
Jun 12, 2017 06:39 AM EDT

NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds Diverse Minerals In Martian Rocks

NASA's Curiosity rover has found a diversity of minerals in the rocks on Mars.

Don't Panic! NASA Set To Create Giant Artificial Clouds Tonight
Jun 12, 2017 05:51 AM EDT

NASA To Launch Colorful Artificial Clouds Tonight Through Sounding Rocket

Watch NASA's launching of a sounding rocket that will create colorful and glowing artificial clouds tonight.

FDA Wants Opana ER Removed From Market
Jun 12, 2017 05:37 AM EDT

FDA Wants To Withdraw This Opioid Drug From The Market

FDA wants to remove Opana ER from the market that causes serious health condition to the public.

Drone Footage Avebury Neolithic Henge Monument
Jun 12, 2017 05:28 AM EDT

Firehenge: Ancient Wooden Structures Unearthed In England

One of the world's oldest known monuments known as "Firehenge" or West Kennet palisade enclosures older than Stonehenge was discovered in England.

Methyl Isocyanate
Jun 09, 2017 06:08 AM EDT

New Discovery: Building Block Of Life Spiraling The Newborn Stars

A molecule that plays a vital role in creating proteins as ingredient for life is swirling around newborn stars.

NASA Reports LIGO Detects Third Gravitational Wave
Jun 09, 2017 05:01 AM EDT

LIGO Detects Third Set Of Gravitational Waves From Merging Massive Black Holes

LIGO detected another gravitational wave, which proves that Einstein's predictions on general relativity are right.

Pembolizumab Also Known As Keytruda,
Jun 09, 2017 04:53 AM EDT

Keytruda Drug Could Diminish, Destroy Cancer Tumors

A novel and first drug that has been approved to fight against multiple tumors.

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