Australia Drops To Fifth Worst Performing Country In Fighting Climate Change (Video)

First Posted: Nov 18, 2016 03:40 AM EST

Countries are working hand in hand to fight climate change. Some of them are doing well while some are trying. But it seems too big of a change and needs more time to work. As the ranking of the climate performance index comes out, Australia falls at the fifth worst performing countries.

In a report by The Guardian, Australia has been again singled out as a climate laggard. Among the developed countries, Australia ranked fifth worst for emission policies. As for the climate action, it also fell at the six worst in the G20.

The climate change performance index was released overnight during the U.N. climate talk in Makkarech. Australia only advances in four other countries, namely, South Korea, Japan, Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia.

The Germanwatch and the Climate Action Network Europe assessed 58 countries that are subject to 90 percent of energy-related carbon pollution globally. To rank was based on the country's emission level, the development of renewable energy, the trend in emission, climate policies and the energy intensity of the economy.

Australia has been labeled to have a "very poor performance." The adverse relationship between the state climate policies and federal in Australia noted that "While the former were rather unambitious and uninspired, the latter managed to some extent to take independent action."

In another report by The Guardian, the results received comments from the federal minister and the prime minister, particularly the state-based renewable energy and emission targets. Before the ranking of Australia slightly improved in the emission trend, however, the energy efficiency drops low.

Kelly O' Shanassy a chief executive at the Australian Conservation Foundations shared that, "The government spruiks its climate credentials but Australia remains a laggard on cutting climate pollution.The world is watching as our pollution rises and governments support new mega-polluting coalmines."

Meanwhile, in a separate study by the London School of Economics, the experts investigate the firmness of actions from countries under the G20. They compared the goals that were set in the Paris Agreement. They have found that not only Australia falls behind with their national climate mitigation action, but also the U.S., Canada, Argentina, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

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