Adverse Effect Of Climate Change On Honey Bees’ Population May Lead To Their Extinction

First Posted: Feb 04, 2017 03:40 AM EST

The adverse effect of climate change on honey bees was evident from last year's statistics, which indicates that there was a considerable decrease in the total output in many apiaries across the world. Furthermore, entomologists also recorded a significant decline in the number of several honey bee and bumble bee varieties. The abrupt and steep decline in the rusty patched bumble bee population in America has put the species in the federal list of endangered species, which needs immediate attention.

Climate change influences every living organism and ecological habitat. Scientists have been saying that for years, but the real-time realization of the same is recent. Climatologists have already declared 2016 as the second hottest year ever recorded after 2012. The increase in average atmospheric temperature and the decrease in rainfall lead to many ecological discrepancies in various countries.

Beekeepers in distant parts of the world, including Uganda, noticed a significant drop in the total honey output in their apiary. It was attributed to the prevalent drought conditions and consistent scarcity of water, NTV reported.

While in America, disappearance of honey bees and bumble bees has raised concern among farmers and scientists. According to the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, since bees are the chief pollinating agents for about one third of all crop varieties cultivated in the U.S., disappearance of bees will have a negative impact on total crop production.

Rick Becker, Trumbull County bee inspector and owner of apiary in Heritage Farms in North Bloomfield, explained that disappearance of floral vegetation is hurting the pollination habits of bees, Tribune Chronicle reported.

"The severe fluctuations in temperatures that we have been having during one day recently haven't been good for both honey bees and bumble bees," Becker explained.

As per the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the decreasing bumble bee and honey bee population is multifactorial, which includes pesticides, climate change, loss of natural habitats and sometimes diseases.

Though it is estimated that there has been 90 percent decline in the bumble bee population since the late 1990s, according to Barbara Bloetscher, expert entomologist from Ohio Department of Agriculture, the exact numbers are not yet clear. A federal survey regarding the same will commence soon, and the exact extent of damage will then be realized.

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