A new study has revealed that viruses are 10 times more dangerous in the morning compared to any other time of the day.
A study revealed that one in ten postsurgical patients who used opioid in the short period of time became also addicted or dependent on the said substance.
A new study has revealed that prenatal use of acetaminophen can cause a child to be hyperactive.
Black and Hispanic students less likely to receive mental health treatment, although they are the majority being put in jail.
Being sedentary is not just a lack of exercise, it is also a potential independent risk factor for heart diseases, diabetes, and death.
Sexual transmission of Zika virus escalated after it was revealed that the virus could still remain in the semen even after 6 months.
The sugar level among children may develop the risk of obesity and other health concerns, but not necessarily hyperactivity, a recent study says.
Eating a Mediterranean diet can slow down cognitive decline.
Car sickness happens because our brains think we're being "poisoned."