According to a study, statins can lessen the mortality rate in common cancers such as lung, breast, prostate and bowel cancers.
Researchers find a link between unexplained infertility in women and a herpes virus called HHV-6A, which is known to be transmissible by kissing.
People are aware of the idea that pregnant women are not allowed to exercise and do strenuous activities during pregnancy. However, researchers now claim that this is just a myth.
A new study suggests that activating a certain "no-go" type of neurons can help prevent a person from wanting to drink alcohol.
A new study indicates that obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is associated with harmful self-themes and fear of self-concerns.
Researchers have found that many astronauts who do a six-month mission in space come back with a condition that causes blurred vision.
A Federal ruling is mandating food manufacturers to inform consumers if their products are GMOs.
Dog cloning is now possible in South Korea for $100,000.
A new study has found that exercise may help in improving memory issues in breast cancer survivors.
Health officials said that people ate salad prior to getting sick.
According to the new study published in "Biological Psychiatry" being in a long term sleep deprivation can lead to inflammation.
A new study claims that consuming caffeine after listening to loud noises can can prohibit auditory healing.