Children's intelligence comes from their mother while the body comes form the father.
The case reported stated that the 38-year old woman went to the doctor after two days of nausea, vomiting, and constipation.
A new experimental drug aimed at children with a fatal muscle disease has seen wonderful results during a recent trial, enabling several children to walk again.
Researchers found that hop can minimize the damaging effect of alcohol in beer.
A bodybuilder is risking his life by injecting oil into his biceps. He does this to make a career from his body.
A new research has shown that males who were conceived via fertility treatments may themselves have lower sperm qulity and quality. The cause of this is genetics or the treatment is yet to be confirmed.
Maryland's healthcare officials have issued a warning against the use of Nurse Assist pre-filled saline flush syringes as they may be responsible for spreading blood infections.
A new study has revealed that certain proteins that play a vital role in the progression of cancer are stored in the dormant cancer cells as amyloid bodies which help in the growth of neurological diseases such as the Alzheimer's disease.
A new study from Hong Kong suggests that children with disabilities spend a large amount of their time at school just sitting and get little or no exercise, even during the recess and gym class.
Four Westford Academy students were reported to have MRSA, the school's automatic response was to disinfect the whole campus. How dangerous could MRSA be?
Researchers found that exercise could lower the risk of UTI and bacterial infections.