Kennewick Man finally buried after two decades of legal battle.
President Donald Trump is set on focusing efforts on space exploration, leaving Earth-related issues to other agencies.
Work from home jobs affect personal life and most likely cause depression.
The global survey on air pollution indicates its deleterious impacts on future generations.
President Donald Trump says he will issue a new travel order by next week.
About 4,000 world leaders from 139 different countries gathered in Dubai for World Government Summit 2017.
Winston Churchill: war hero, politician and believer of aliens.
The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the ancient Roman amphitheater in Palmyra was marred by the Islamic State.
A 3,000 -year-old tomb of ancient Egyptian royal scribe was found laying behind the high official's tomb in Egypt.
The U.S. government had banned gene editing in humans, but that is not stopping other nations from doing it.
People should prepare themselves to accept the existence of aliens?