Colon and rectal cancer are growing in numbers for young people ages 20 to 30.
Wildifires are mostly caused by humans, not by climate change.
Studies suggest that know-it-alls tend to think they know things that don't even exist.
Archaeologists and virtual reality artists would soon make a virtual reality tour on the Charterhouse.
The billionaire philanthropist calls for preparedness in fighting global pandemics that could kill millions of people all around the globe.
The origins of the South American natives may have come from different places.
New neuroscience study debunks right-brained/left-brained myth.
A new video explains why some people get disappointed with their lovers.
Health officials in Canada pointed out that racial discrimination can deteriorating physical health.
Scientists rally against the lack of scientific understanding by the current administration.
Transgender Student Rights don't have room in the Trump administration as WH rescinds directive from Obama.
A new evidence indicates that the deadly salmonella outbreak plummeted the population of the Aztec society in Mexico.