Researchers believe that the remains have a trace of tissue from a Lufengosaurus dinosaur.
If bees go extinct, will humans survive?
The Tokyo Olympic committee decided to create its Olympic medals environmental-friendly by crafting them from recycled mobile phones.
Do fish communicate when they pee?
Thousands of blue blubber jellyfish known also as jelly blubber were spotted on the Australian beach.
The World Wetlands Day is celebrated annually every Feb. 2 to raise awareness on how to take care of wetlands in the environment.
Dad captured a photo of his son surfing with a shark.
Zookeepers at Apenheul Primate Park, Netherlands, are looking for a match for their orangutan Samboja via online dating services.
Solar activity is currently at its lowest in 300 years.
A new species with bright red stripes on its white claws and legs that look like a "Christmas candy cane" is just discovered.
Underneath the beautiful island of Mauritius was a sunken long-lost continent.
Scientists discover zircon in lava, leading them to believe Mauritius is hiding an entire continent under it.