A geoscientist found a link between climate change and avalanches in Western Tibet.
A bird named Obi flew with goggles and through a laser light to help scientist understand about flight research.
The opening of what was believed to be the tomb of Jesus Christ led scientists to further wonder.
The cool upgrade of the ancient sundial to digital sundial could just be 3D printed right at people's home.
Researchers discovered an ancient wind god temple under the old supermarket with gruesome finds.
Extremely rare moonbow or lunar rainbow is sighted by a dog walker in Plymouth.
A Burmese python in the Everglades with a penchant for venison gulped down three whole deer — one doe and two fawns.
Indoor plants have a lot of physical and psychological benefits.
There is a chemical poisoning polar bear population.
Fragments of mummified legs were found in the tomb of Queen Nefertari in 1904. Now, scientists have confirmed that they actually belonged to her.