New elements finally named to complete the seventh row of the periodic table.
A study reveals that the Earth's technosphere now weighs about 30 trillion tons.
The Pine Island Glacier of Antarctic ice sheet has started melting due to global warming.
Ancient rock containing bacterial fossils sheds light on the existence of life on Earth before there was even oxygen.
Archaeologists found some tombs in the newly discovered lost city in Egypt.
Lucy, like chimps, may have climbed trees more often than initially thought.
Subsurface oceans deep within Earth could be full of aliens, scientists have suggested.
The discovery of the old fossils of bacteria dated 2.5 billion years ago. Their existence indicate there were early life forms that existed on Earth without any oxygen.
What does "dead Sun" mean for Earth?
Unless people stop burning fossil fuels, the effects of global warming on the Arctic could bring potentially disastrous "bad surprises."
About 49 big sinkholes were uncovered and the largest is deeper than the Eiffel Tower and its diameter is wider than the height of the Empire State Building.
Planet Earth II producer thought they were facing animal extinction upon seeing the devastating deaths of antelopes.