A team of researchers discovered the body of water while studying a huge abnormality 15 kilometers beneath the latent Uturuncu volcano.
A new study claims that the world's database of endangered species underestimates the number of species at risk.
The researchers study the results of CO2 emission.
The population of the golden eagle increases in number.
A group of researchers map the subterranean systems of hot water and rock that collectively form the plumbing for Yellowstone's famous geysers.
There is a reason why we shouldn't dump our trash in the ocean: they smell like food to sea birds.
As many know, Donald Trump does not believe in climate change.
A giant sinkhole opened and swallowed an intersection of a main road in Japan.
The iconic White Cliffs of Dover would likely disappear if not protected, scientists warn.
Joe Tanner wrestles with a shark and manages to survive.
Sean Smyrichinsky was about to wrap up his diving when he saw a weird object and described it as a UFO.
The five hottest years ever recorded means that it is too late for the Paris Agreement goals.