A new study suggests that seeing someone using "vape pen" can trigger an urge to smoke.
The 600-year-old Buddha statue was believed to be in the early Ming Dynasty.
Proposals are being asked to whoever can create and test the biodegradable bullets.
SpaceX proves itself once again.
The changing of the population densities in urban areas worldwide can have major implications for building energy use.
The SBIRS GEO Flight 3 is scheduled to launch on Jan. 19.
If parents consider their kids to be overweight, they are more likely to gain weight.
Caribbean coral reefs may be saved by sea urchins and parrotfish.
Four months after the explosion, SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket is back.
Scientists said that the ice shelf crack will grow bigger in size, but they are not alarmed.
Eric Trump raises around $16.3 million for a hospital; the sad news is that he will somehow be "forced" to stop.
NASA researchers answer why the Moon particles levitate.