Global sea levels are accelerating fast, according to a new study.
The discovery of the blackbody force could aid in detecting the theoretical form of radiation that allows black holes to vanish.
What you need to know when buying solar eclipse glasses for the Great American Total Solar Eclipse.
Consuming foods rich in fiber could lower the risk of developing the painful osteoarthritis, according to a new study.
NASA's Mars rover Opportunity has reached the Perseverance Valley on May 4, 2017.
Himalayan Sherpas can overcome hypoxia on Mt. Everest than people from low-lying regions can.
Scientists found a new object with extraordinary brightness near a supermassive black hole in the core of Cygnus A galaxy.
The discovery of 52 genes linked to intelligence could help the scientists know the interventions good for children who are struggling to learn.
A professional hunter was crushed to death by an elephant that fell on him after it was shot.
The existence of "naked singularities" is predicted to have existed in the 3D universe as previously thought to be at the center of black holes and hidden from view.
Scientists found that smoking light cigarettes with holes could heighten the risk of developing lung cancer.
The point-of-sale transaction is becoming more innovative. Watch out for this!