How would you conquer depression through your diet?
The gas giant is not only the biggest planet but also the oldest planet in the solar system.
Watch NASA's launching of a sounding rocket that will create colorful and glowing artificial clouds tonight.
FDA wants to remove Opana ER from the market that causes serious health condition to the public.
One of the world's oldest known monuments known as "Firehenge" or West Kennet palisade enclosures older than Stonehenge was discovered in England.
LIGO detected another gravitational wave, which proves that Einstein's predictions on general relativity are right.
A novel and first drug that has been approved to fight against multiple tumors.
Moderate drinking could affect mental health, according to a new study.
The concept of the cosmic void that contains the Milky Way could resolve the measurement of the expansion rate of the universe, according to scientists.
The newly discovered fossil bones of Homo sapiens could alter mankind's origins.
Scientists have now answers on how the Boomerang Nebula has temperatures colder than the empty space itself.
The Larsen C Ice Shelf, one of the largest icebergs in Antarctica, is breaking away in just a few days.