Instagram is going back to basics with a minimalistic black-and-white design.
The startup has taken hyperloop technology from idea to an open-air test in just three short years.
Scientists have developed a new material that can temporarily protect and tighten skin, and smooth wrinkles.
Amazon unveiled its own plans to compete in the user-generated video market with the launch of a new service called Amazon Video Direct.
Scientists’ initial speculation was proved right when data from the spacecraft was analyzed and revealed that Hydra, like its name, is covered in nearly pure water ice.
Scarf Designer Céline Semaan Vernon has been captivating space enthusiasts with her beautifully printed scarves.
The social media firm cuts access to Dataminr, a service used to identify unfolding terror attacks, political unrest.
Researchers report an experimental therapy that in laboratory tests stops aggressive, treatment-resistant and deadly brain cancers called glioblastoma and high-grade gliomas.
Astrophysicists have revealed that they have found intense force of wind from the black hole closest to Earth.
The little planet will be making another rare transit across the sun which can be viewed by people using telescope or binoculars with solar filters.
Experts measured the black hole at about 660 million times as massive as our sun, and a cloud of gas circles it at about 1.1 million mph.
Researchers with the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, MIND Institute identify more than 40 common genes.