In spite of the high cost and dangers, space exploration continues.
An alien rock about 470 million years old has been discovered in a limestone quarry of Sweden.
India joins private companies in providing efficient and affordable transport to orbit as it aims to launch 22 satellites via a single rocket.
A new Pokemon companion is believed to have similarities with Republican candidate Donald Trump.
NASA held a summit on June 15 from 1 to 3 pm at NASA Headquarters in Washington.
US animal migration has begun. Animals and plants are migrating to an area with a suitable climate condition.
The galaxy robots, named as Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument will assist researchers accurately locate millions of galaxies, stars and quasars.
Sony confirms game improvements of Spider-Man game for PS4 at the E3 press conference.
Ever imagined a pregnant woman aborting the fetus on her own? Well then, let Texas show you how.
Electronic vehicles and drones having been using compact machineries similar to go-karts, but a new engine has been unveiled outside the laboratory for the first time.
iOS 10 allows Apple users to delete stock apps from their home screen devices.
Apple releases ReplayKit app that allows simultaneous live stream support .