A mysterious animal "Macrauchenia" has finally found its place in evolutionary context.
A new study indicates that ancient Egyptians look very near Near Eastern.
The scientists were surprised by what they have seen in the video showing this hereditary material.
Scientists discover a new way of extracting DNA from caves.
Octopuses could escape in aquarium or unscrew glass jars because they are indeed smart.
Space researchers across the world are devising effective methods to safeguard astronauts in space from high-energy radiations.
Does DNA surgery could possibly end cancer and inherited diseases?
Researchers were able to get DNA from the terracotta figurines and found how vast the lost city was before.
New base pair means new living characters people know nothing about, i.e., alien life forms.
DNA vaccines could provide long-lasting protection against Zika virus and other contagious diseases.
The evolution of smallpox could be better understand in the discovery of the DNA of a mummified child.
DNA evidence found in human remains shows that malaria was present during the Roman Empire -- 2,000 years ago.