It is a moon! The third largest dwarf planet in the solar system has a natural satellite.
Scientists are developing a concept of having a follow-up mission to the dwarf planet Pluto.
A new dwarf world, named DeeDee, has been discovered in the Solar System.
Evidence of organic materials is found on the surface of the dwarf planet Ceres.
Presence of organic material on Ceres may prove it was once habitable.
Scientists say asteroids may have mimicked other astronomical bodies.
New Horizons’ images are used to make the video of landing on Pluto.
The strange "snakeskin" terrain spotted on Pluto was finally understood as ice ridges that are like the erosion-formed features called "penitentes."
Scientists found water ice on the dwarf planet Ceres.
Scientists have focused on the western lobe of Pluto's icy heart, thinking it was formed by a huge impact early on. A new study says otherwise.
Scientists have discovered an ocean in the icy dwarf planet.
Gravitational lensing plays a key role in capturing the fascinating dwarf galaxies.