Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) are studying the differences in the way common anesthetics affect the brains of older patients and children, finding what could help improve monitoring technology and the safety of general anesthesia for patients.
Did you know it's not so long ago that scientists first discovered that REM sleep cycles were associated with dreaming?
New findings published in the journal Cortex reveal that adequate rest may help the body recall facts that they could not remember later.
Statistics show that over 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders and wakefulness. Yet even for those of us who sleep relatively well, did you know that losing a single night of sleep can alter the genes that control the biological clocks in our cells?
A bad night's rest can mess with anyone's head. But did you know that poor sleep habits can also affect our self-control?
Could a bad night's rest be interfering with your work productivity?
Feeling impulsive or down-right frustrated? Go ahead and take a nap.
Do rats dream? They apparently do. When rats rest, their brains simulate journeys to a desired future, such as a tasty treat, according to new research.
New findings published in the Journal of Biological Rhythms examined how excessive use of electricity and artificial light ultimately influenced adequate rest.
New findings published in the journal Sleep show that some sleep disturbances may ultimately be influenced by race and ethnicity. In fact, researchers found that sleep disturbances and undiagnosed sleep apnea seemed to occur more frequently in racial/ethnic minorities.
Inadequate rest can make it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle, according to recent findings published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
New findings published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism reveals that women in the early phases of menopause are more likely to have difficulties with sleep due to certain fluctuations in their menstrual cycle.