A theory suggests that space has nine dimensions containing alternate universes that could be reached through black holes.
A recent study suggests that the universe is isotropic, i.e. it does not have a direction.
The discovery of "Planet Nine" poses knowledge of possible destruction of the Solar system with a death dance as the sun dies.
A supermassive black hole made a blazing hot part six million years ago that led to creating a huge bubble in the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
The Dragonfly 44, which is the "dark twin" of Milky Way, could help scientists in studying dark matter in detail.
Experts believe that there is a chance the universe is filled with microscopic black holes that formed ages ago.
You can now explore the beauty of the Universe in the comfort of your home. Here's how.
The fourth type of neutrino, which could possibly explain some puzzles in the world of Physics doesn't exist.
Life on Earth is believed to have popped up sooner than it should have when compared with what happens on a Universal scale.
A cosmic map will be used to map distant galaxies to help understand the greatest mystery of the universe.
The new largest 3D map of 1.2 million galaxies, which was created from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-III would make precise measurements of the dark energy.
A study reveals why some galaxies are green. This indicates that these green galaxies have troubled past.