
Mysterious Polio-Like Disease Diagnosed in Five California Kids
Apr 03, 2013 09:51 AM EDT

$5.5 Billion World Strategy Hopes to Eradicate Polio by 2018 (Video)

Officials from the World Health Organization (WHO) said that they are hoping to end most polio cases by late next year and eradicate the disease by 2018.

Study Links Pesticides Exposure to a Reduced Size of Worker Bumblebees
Apr 03, 2013 09:46 AM EDT

What Exactly is Killing the Bees: Metal Pollution, Pesticides and Colony Collapse Disorder

What exactly is killing all the bees? It's a good question, and not one that can be answered easily.

Long Term Use of Cannabis Linked to Lack of Motivation to Work
Apr 03, 2013 09:03 AM EDT

Study Links Mental Illness to Heavy Cannabis Use

Cannabis also known as marijuana is a major addictive drug and leaves a great impact in the lives of those who have an addictive nature. The latest study conducted by the researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health claim that people with mental illness are more likely to use cannabis.

Climate Not to be Blamed For Extinction of Large Mammals
Apr 03, 2013 08:47 AM EDT

Synthetic Biology and Conservation: Resurrecting Extinct Species and Creating Genetically Modified Organisms

Synthetic biology could just save the world--or at least provide some added benefits to conservation. It could resurrect extinct species, create organisms that can clean up waste and could design crops that are more resistant to drought.

Arkansas Oil Spill Lead to Death of Oil Covered Ducks
Apr 03, 2013 08:30 AM EDT

Arkansas Oil Spill Leads to Death of Oil-Covered Ducks

The environmental consequences caused by a recent oil spill in central Arkansas last Friday has gained a lot of focus, after officials discovered dead ducks and some live birds dipped in oil after the ExxonMobil pipeline ruptured.

Fruit Bat Inspired Flying Robot Designed by Virginia Tech Researchers
Apr 03, 2013 08:15 AM EDT

Male Bats Perform Oral Sex on Females to Increase Duration of Copulation

A latest study claims that the fruit-eating bat, one of the largest bats in the world, performs oral sex. The researchers predict that a male bat performs oral sex with a female bat to increase the duration of copulation or possibly, sperm competition.

Valley Fever on Increase in Southwester States: CDC
Apr 03, 2013 07:48 AM EDT

Valley Fever on Increase in Southwestern States: CDC

A fungal respiratory infection known as 'Valley Fever' is on the rise in several southwestern states from 1998-2011, reports Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

 CDC: 20 Percent of U.S. Teen Births are Repeat Birth
Apr 03, 2013 06:56 AM EDT

20 Percent of Teen Births in US are Repeat Births: CDC

A latest Vital Signs report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that nearly one in five teen births are repeat births. This remains a fact although there has been a drop in the rate of teen births in the past 20 years.

Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Could Help Fight Blindness: Study
Apr 03, 2013 04:38 AM EDT

Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs could Help Fight Blindness: Study

Focusing on age-related blinding eye disease, a latest study states that the drug used to lower cholesterol levels may also be effective in treating macular degeneration.

Apr 02, 2013 10:37 PM EDT

Synthetic Carbon Anodes Will Boost Mobile Device Lithium-Ion Batteries

A new kind of synthetic carbon anode which is designed to improve the storage capacity of lithium-ion batteries was developed by the start-up company EnerG2, writes the MIT Technology Review.

Simple Paper Test May Help Identify Depressed Teenagers, Study Finds
Apr 02, 2013 06:13 PM EDT

Staying Relaxed in the Face of Daily Stress Important for Long-Term Mental Health

Stress, but especially our emotional response to it in daily life, may indeed predict our long-term mental health, according to a new study led by an UC Irvine psychologist.

GX 339-4 black hole
Apr 02, 2013 04:35 PM EDT

Black Hole Feeds on Big Planet, First Time to be Observed

By coincidence, astronomers noticed a black hole as it "woke up" from a decades-long slumber to feed on giant planet that approached too close.

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