
Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Slows The Progression of Diabetes
Apr 01, 2013 08:21 AM EDT

Chinese Herb Best Remedy to Reduce Menopause Symptom

A study from Hong Kong found that women who took a Chinese herbal formula experienced less than half of the menoupausal hot flashes or night sweats. Overall the symptoms they experienced were less.

H1N1 Swine Flu of 2009 Was More Deadly for Younger Adults
Apr 01, 2013 07:41 AM EDT

Two Shanghai Men Die from Unusual Bird Flu

Two men in Shanghai have died after contracting a strain of bird flu that was never seen in humans till date, reports BBC.

Chewing Gums Does Not Help in Weight Loss: Study
Apr 01, 2013 04:49 AM EDT

Chewing Gums does not Help in Weight Loss: Study

A recent study breaks the myth that chewing gum helps in weight loss. The study states that chewing gum does not help in weight loss, nor does it reduce the intake of calories.

Frequent Breaks From Sedentary Behavior Make Kids Healthier
Apr 01, 2013 04:36 AM EDT

Sleep Apnea in Kids Linked to Behavioral, Adaptive and Learning Problems

A latest study conducted by researchers at the University of Arizona in Tucson, has tied children with sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) to an increased risk of ADHD-like behavioral and learning problems and other adaptive problems.

Arctic Sea Ice
Apr 01, 2013 03:40 AM EDT

Increase in Temperature can Lead to Greening of the Arctic

Research scientists state that over the next few decades, the wooded areas in the Arctic could increase by 50 percent. And this massive greening could lead to climate warming at a greater rate than what was expected.

NOVA neutrino detector minnesota fermilab
Mar 31, 2013 01:59 PM EDT

NOvA Neutrino Particle Detector in Minnesota Records First 3D Tracks of Ghost Particles

The first completed section of the NOvA neutrino detector in Minnesota has recorded its initial three-dimensional images of particles. Compiled from data from cosmic rays, these landmark recordings mark a significant milestone in the NOvA neutrino experiment.

Mar 31, 2013 12:15 PM EDT

Ultimate Antibody Found to be Effective Against Every Type Of Cancer

Over ten years of cancer research paid off with the truly groundbreaking discovery of an "ultimate antibody" against cancer -- since it kills not just one or two, but all types of human cancer that it was tested on until now, it could result in a single treatment that would go a long way against the...

Increased Time on Facebook Negatively Affects Women's Body Image
Mar 30, 2013 03:14 PM EDT

Hormone Replacement Therapy Increases Risk of Breast Cancer

Despite the fact that Hormone Replacement Therapy was thought to have multiple benefits when given to menopausal and post-menopausal women, including reduced risk of heart disease and dementia, new studies show that it increases the risk of breast cancer.

Mar 30, 2013 02:54 PM EDT

Bacon Flavored Condom Could Make Porking More Fun and Safe

If you're wanting a little more porking during a coitus sesh, now, you can have it all! According to recent news, a company is creating a bacon flavored condom. Yum!

Pit Bull
Mar 30, 2013 02:26 PM EDT

Man Tattoos Pit Bull: Too Cute or Animal Cruelty?

We do just about everything for our pets, and that includes everything from buying them clothes to getting them spa treatments. But is it considered cute or cruel to get them inked up?

Kids With Mental Health Problems Wrongly Diagnosed With Physical Illness
Mar 30, 2013 02:08 PM EDT

No Link Between Autism and Number of Early Childhood Vaccinations

Autism is not linked to early vaccinations that children receive, or even the number of vaccinations that they receive at once.

Farm Rich
Mar 30, 2013 02:07 PM EDT

Rich Products Recall: 18 States find Food with E. Coli, 24 People Sick and 190,000 Pounds of Frozen Quesadillas Recalled

It's a sad day for chimichanga lovers and Mexican food addicts. Recent reports confirm that at least 24 people are sick in over 18 states from an E. coli outbreak with a link to frozen chick in quesadillas and other foods from Rich Products.

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