
Real-Life Death Star
Dec 19, 2016 04:22 AM EST

Real-Life Death Star May Give Scientists Clues To The History Of Planetary Systems

Scientists have discovered a planet-eating solar twin located 3,000 lightyears away.

11 Paid Apple Apps are now available for free
Dec 19, 2016 04:20 AM EST

11 Paid Apple Apps Are Now Available For Zero Cost: Have An Easy Mail Time With MailTime Pro, Wreck Stuff On Goat Simulator

The list of previously paid Apple apps now available freely include MailTime Pro, Goat Simulator, and SHAREit pro. We recommend you to hurry up and download them while the time is good!

Dec 19, 2016 03:37 AM EST

Raw Plants And Meat, Staple Food Of Earliest Humans In Europe, Study Reveals

Earliest humans in Europe about 1.2 million years ago had an interesting diet, reveals a recent study.

Donald Trump
Dec 19, 2016 03:30 AM EST

Will Trump Pursue Sending Humans To Mars?

NASA officials and scientists hope that President-elect Donald Trump will still continue to support the country's space exploration on Mars.

Mother And Child
Dec 19, 2016 03:28 AM EST

UK Is The First Country To Legalize The Controversial 'Three-Parent Baby'

The U.K. is the first to legalize the three-parent baby, which is a technique that could prevent genetic flaws.

Climate Change Is Real
Dec 19, 2016 03:22 AM EST

Climate Change Is Real Indeed; NASA Supercomputer Proves It

A 3D view of planetary effects of climate change was generated by a supercomputer, based on the data obtained from satellites.

Tesla Supercharger
Dec 19, 2016 03:21 AM EST

Tesla Supercharger Network: Company Announces A $2 Fine For EVs Idly Occupying Charging Station! Here’s How The Master Plan Will Benefit Tesla Users!

The auto giant Tesla has decided to introduce an idling fee to prevent the misuse of its Tesla Supercharger Network. The fine can amount up to a maximum of $2 for hogging up the charging station for 5 minutes.

Dec 19, 2016 03:20 AM EST

Dark Matter Proved To Be More Smoother Than Previously Known

Analysis of a giant new galaxy survey made with ESO's VLT Survey Telescope in Chile suggests that dark matter may be less dense and more smoothly distributed throughout space.

Star Wars: Rogue One
Dec 19, 2016 03:20 AM EST

NASA Plans To Search For 'Star Wars’ Planets To Search For Alien Life

One might be astonished to know that real exoplanets in the galaxy are mostly like those found in the science fiction movie "Star Wars," NASA said.

Jesus Christ Statue
Dec 19, 2016 03:16 AM EST

Creepy Video Shows Statue Of Jesus Christ Moving Its Head

Is this video real or fake?

Lufthansa Pilots Strike
Dec 19, 2016 03:11 AM EST

Airline Pilots Have Higher Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Study Reveals

Many airline pilots experience depression and think of suicidal thoughts, according to a new research.

Google Maps New Update For People With Disabilities: App Now Features Wheelchair Accessible Locations And More Useful Sections!
Dec 19, 2016 03:10 AM EST

Google Maps New Update For People With Disabilities: App Now Features Wheelchair Accessible Locations & More Useful Sections!

Google has rolled out a new update for its Google Maps, adding a new feature for people with disabilities. The new feature now displays whether a location is wheelchair accessible and can be of great use to elderly people as well.

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