
 Nintendo Switch Specs Leaked:  Indicate Will Under-perform In Comparision To PS4 & Xbox One
Dec 16, 2016 03:50 AM EST

Nintendo Switch Specs Leaked: Indicate Will Under-perform In Comparision To PS4 & Xbox One

The Nintendo Switch gaming console that is expected to be out in March 2017 will not be as powerful as the Sony PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, according to some reports.

Dec 16, 2016 03:40 AM EST

New Animal Species Discovered For The First Time Underneath The Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is one of the largest Earth's oceans and a home to new species, too.

Organic Foods
Dec 16, 2016 03:40 AM EST

Organic Food Is Back On Popular Demand By Health Conscious Consumers

The market for organic food is all set to grow at a fast pace due to its immense health benefits.

Auttomatic has pledged against the decision to create a Muslim database.
Dec 16, 2016 03:30 AM EST

Muslim Database: Parent Company Automattic Pledges Against Registry While Facebook Keeps Us Guessing

After Facebook tried to remain silent on the issue of a Muslim database, Automattic founder and CEO signed the pledge on behalf of his companies. The pledge, started on Tuesday, is currently 1300 people strong.

Paris Climate Agreement
Dec 16, 2016 03:30 AM EST

Paris Climate Agreement Completed One Year; City Leaders Urge Donald Trump To Keep The Commitment

As the Paris Climate Agreement completes one year, the political tension in America creates uncertainty regarding the position of the U.S. in the historical accord.

European Space Agency Launches LISA Pathfinder
Dec 16, 2016 03:25 AM EST

New Gas Giant Exoplanet Three Times More Massive Than Jupiter Discovered

Astronomers discovered a new gas giant exoplanet that is three times larger than the Jupiter.

Jingle Bells: Santa Claus Singing His Favorite Christmas Song
Dec 16, 2016 03:20 AM EST

Santa Claus Is More Science And Less Magic?

Has anyone wondered how Santa travels in one night to deliver gifts to more than 700 million children worldwide?

BMW HoloActive
Dec 16, 2016 03:20 AM EST

BMW’s HoloActive Touch System: The Holographic Infotainment System Is Either Too Smart Or Too Stupid; Here’s Why!

BMW HoloActive Touch system is like a dream come true. The Technology concept is great, but not flawless. And, there is a reason behind it which could make it a bad idea for the current generation.

Dec 16, 2016 03:20 AM EST

Seahorse: Genetic Secrets Revealed; Scientists Sequence Genetic Genome Of This Peculiar Creature

Scientists, for the first time, sequenced and studied the genetic genome of the seahorse, gaining new molecular revolutionary results.

Pokémon GO
Dec 16, 2016 03:20 AM EST

Pokémon GO: Did This Game Get People To Exercise?

When Pokémon GO was launched, many people went out of their houses and walked for miles. Now, scientists said the health fad is just short-lived.

Immigration And Border Security Issues Loom Heavy In Upcoming U.S. Elections
Dec 16, 2016 03:13 AM EST

Giant 'Rivers In The Sky' Could Trigger World's Worst Flood, Wipe Out Species, Study Reveals

A study shows that "rivers in the sky" or also known as atmospheric rivers carry vast amounts of water, and when discarded, they could cause worst floods.

Life On Mars Existed Billions Of Years Ago
Dec 16, 2016 03:10 AM EST

Mars Was Habitable Billions Of Years Ago, NASA Curiosity Rover Data Revealed

The data obtained from the NASA Curiosity rover on the existence of life on Mars for the last four years showed that Mars was habitable billions of years ago.

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