
Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Feb 21, 2013 09:23 AM EST

Tracking Endangered Whitetip Sharks: They're Actually Homebodies

Oceanic whitetip sharks are more homebodies than anything else, revisiting areas that they're familiar with, according to new tracking data.

Feb 21, 2013 08:31 AM EST

Tiniest Planet Yet Discovered by NASA Outside our Solar System

The tiniest planet beyond our Solar System has been discovered by NASA.

Dolphins Copy Whistle to Stay in Touch
Feb 21, 2013 08:16 AM EST

Dolphins Copy Whistles to Stay in Touch

Dolphins mimic those with whom they share a strong social bond, according to a latest study.

Feb 21, 2013 08:02 AM EST

Stranded Happy Feet Jr Found in New Zealand

A juvenile royal penguin has been found stranded on the coast south of Wellington almost 2,000 km away from its home. It is believed that the juvenile penguin had moved away from its breeding colony in Sub Antarctica Macquarie Island.

Feb 21, 2013 07:57 AM EST

Organically Grown Tomatoes Have Higher Levels of Vitamin C

A latest study from Federal University of Ceara in Brazil states that organically grown tomatoes have higher levels of vitamin C when compared to the conventionally grown tomatoes.

FDA Approves First Combination Pill 'Harvoni' to Treat Hepatitis C
Feb 21, 2013 07:50 AM EST

FDA Approves Allergan’s New Gel-Filled Breast Implant

California-based company Allergan received the green signal from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its new silicone gel-filled breast implant to increase the breast size in women belonging to the age group of 22 years and above.

Increase in City’s Ozone Levels Boost Cardiac Arrest
Feb 21, 2013 07:43 AM EST

Increase in City’s Ozone Levels Up Risk of Cardiac Arrest

A latest study from Texas shows an association between the levels of air pollution and out of the hospital cardiac arrests.

Switzerland’s Only Bear Killed by Officials
Feb 21, 2013 07:35 AM EST

Switzerland's Only Bear Killed by Officials

Switzerland's only wild bear had been culled by officials after it posed a threat to humans.

New Species of Scorpion Discovered
Feb 21, 2013 07:28 AM EST

New Species of Scorpion Discovered

A new species of scorpion has been discovered in the Santa Catalina Mountains in Southern Arizona. The researchers were surprised to find the scorpion in the large metropolitan area.

3D printer fabricating artificial ear
Feb 20, 2013 11:23 PM EST

Lifelike Artificial Ears Now Shaped by 3D-Printer

Artificial replacement ears are now fabricated with the help of 3D printing, which allows a much faster and precise process to create human ears that look and act like real ears, according to a study by researchers from Cornell University published on February 20.

mars rock sample curiosity
Feb 20, 2013 10:34 PM EST

Image From Mars Confirms First Ever Drilled Sample

As of today there is visible proof that the first ever rock beyond Earth was successfully drilled, and a sample from its interior obtained. The (included) image showing the sample powder, already transferred into an open scoop, was transmitted from Mars by NASA's rover Curiosity today

Cutting Belly fat Improves Sleep Quality
Feb 20, 2013 06:12 PM EST

Behavioral Counseling at Work Helps With Weight Loss, Information Becomes Imbedded in Culture

Employees enrolled in the intervention lost an average of 18 pounds over a six-month period compared to the two pound weight gain a control group. The study results are published online ahead of print by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

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