
Installing Hand Sanitizers in Classrooms do not Lower Rate of School Absences in Children
Feb 20, 2013 11:22 AM EST

Girl Catches Fire at Hospital: Cancer Survivor feels Hand Sanitizer may be to Blame

When you go to the hospital, you can expect one of two things: Hopefully to get better or unfortunately to die. However, for an 11-year-old cancer survivor, she evidently just caught on fire.

Sitting Time Linked to Chronic Diseases
Feb 20, 2013 11:09 AM EST

Amount of Time Spent Sitting Linked to Chronic Diseases

According to a latest finding from Kansas State University, the more time the person spends sitting, higher is the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart diseases and high blood pressure.

Lobster Nebula
Feb 20, 2013 10:52 AM EST

Lobster Nebula Revealed in New Infrared Image with VISTA Telescope

ESO's VISTA telescope has captured a new, infrared image of the Lobster Nebula.

Feb 20, 2013 10:37 AM EST

Robotic Hysterectomies on the Rise, $2000 more than Laparoscopic Surgery

If you're skiddish about a doctor looking through all your innards, it's nice to know that health advancements are letting robots take care of some of that business.

Polar bear
Feb 20, 2013 10:21 AM EST

Polar Bear Populations Drop: Researchers Debate Methods of Preservation

Researchers and environmental groups alike are trying to highlight the plight of the polar bear as populations continue to drop.

Study Finds Hip Fractures are More Deadly to Men Than Women
Feb 20, 2013 10:02 AM EST

High Demand for Wrinkle Free America Drives Use of Botox, Fillers

With today's technological advances, it's no surprise that people are living longer-or to add to that, looking more beautiful or robotic.

Feb 20, 2013 09:14 AM EST

Why Women Talk More Than Men: Language Protein Uncovered

There's a biological explanation for the reason why women talk more than men. Scientists have discovered a protein that's found in higher concentrations in the brains of women.

Female Hormones Play a Key Role in Obesity Among Western Men
Feb 20, 2013 09:03 AM EST

Thigh Fat in Older Adults Reduces Walking Speed

Excess of fat throughout the thigh in older adults causes mobility loss when compared to healthy older adults, according to a recent finding.

Feb 20, 2013 08:15 AM EST

Evolution is Surprisingly Predictable: Specialization isn't so Special

Evolution is surprisingly predictable, according to new research with E. Coli.

A New Drug Promises to Improve Health and Longevity
Feb 20, 2013 02:09 AM EST

Scientists Read Mind of Mice With Fluorescent Protein

Researchers at the Stanford University announced that they managed to read the minds of mice.

Buzz Aldrin and the American flag
Feb 20, 2013 01:55 AM EST

At Second Glance, Apollo Moon Rocks Reveals Signs of Native Water

Four decades after the Apollo mission, scientists gave a second look at the sample of rocks brought back from the moon and, voilà, they have found signs of ‘native’ water.

Feb 19, 2013 11:16 PM EST

Drug Overdose Deaths on the Rise for the 11th Straight Year

It might not come as a surprise to junkies, but drug overdose deaths have been on the rise for the 11th straight year in a row.

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