
Mysterious Virus
Feb 12, 2013 11:40 AM EST

Mysterious Virus Spreads: 10th Case of Coronavirus Found in United Kingdom (VIDEO)

There is ongoing speculation about whether this is a new dangerous virus that reportedly causes kidney failure and acute breathing problems will spread like the 2003 SARS virus.

Feb 12, 2013 11:39 AM EST

'Walking Dead' Record May Have Inspired Zombie Hackers (Video)

Yesterday, an emergency alert about zombies interrupted Montana television viewers as they watched the Steve Wilkos Show.

Sodium Consumption Remains High Among U.S. School Aged Children: CDC
Feb 12, 2013 11:03 AM EST

Cutting Salt 40 Percent Could Save Half-Million Americans From Premature Death by 2015

Some say you should take life with a grain of salt, and that's certainly what the experts are saying, too.

Epic Glacier Perito Moreno
Feb 12, 2013 10:41 AM EST

Epic Glacier Collapse Occurs in Argentina's Patagonia Region (Video)

An epic glacier collapse occurred in Argentina's Patagonia region and was caught on film. Watch the video.

Argentine ants
Feb 12, 2013 10:11 AM EST

Stinging Asian Needle Ants Displace Invasive Argentines in U.S.

The Asian needle ant is spreading across the U.S., displacing native species.

Feb 12, 2013 09:31 AM EST

Arctic Soil Releases Dangerous Levels of CO2, Speeding Global Warming

Global warming has caused scientists to worry as permafrost melts, releasing a vast amount of CO2 into the atmosphere and further perpetuating the problem.

Fast Food
Feb 12, 2013 09:10 AM EST

Cut Salt to Save Upto Half a Million Lives

Reducing the intake of salt as little as a teaspoon can save up to half a million American lives, according to a new study.

Rosetta Stone
Feb 12, 2013 09:06 AM EST

Ancient Languages Reconstructed by Linguistic Computer Program

Scientists have created software that can rebuild protolanguages, the ancient tongues from which our modern languages evolved.

Vitamin D Doses Fail to Match the Labels: Study
Feb 12, 2013 09:02 AM EST

Vitamin D Doses Fail to Match the Labels: Study

A latest study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine claims that the Vitamin D supplement potency varies widely and the amount of vitamin D in the supplements do not match the listed label.

New Tool Will Help Pet Owners Assess Ailing Pet's Quality of Life
Feb 12, 2013 08:57 AM EST

Dogs Can Understand Human's Point of View

When the dog is not allowed to take the food, he is four times more likely to steal the food that he was forbidden to eat, when the lights are off so that the humans fail to notice him.

Ancient Maya civilization
Feb 11, 2013 11:17 PM EST

Evolution of Spoken Language Decrypted and Reconstructed by Computer Algorithm

Archaeologists will gain a powerful new tool in their quest to recover ancestral, disappeared languages: Connecting machine learning algorithms with Big Data in this field proved successful and will automate a process that until now took decades. Spoken language changes continuously, and ancient lan...

Satellite in orbit.
Feb 11, 2013 10:33 PM EST

NASA Launches Most Advanced Earth Satellite

Landsat 8, the latest and most advanced satellite in the Landsat family, has made its way into orbit Monday, building up on a 40-year legacy of Earth’s monitoring.

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