
Feb 12, 2013 04:47 PM EST

Owl Stuck in Grille: Survives 60 MPH Hit by SUV

Birds and cars usually don't mix, and that's certainly true for this Florida owl.

Feb 12, 2013 03:54 PM EST

Cities Can Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 70 Percent, University of Toronto Research Confirms

You might think of a city as the least likely place to reduce greenhouse gas, but a new study confirms that it can be just the right atmosphere.

nanoscribe 3D laser lithography printer
Feb 12, 2013 03:41 PM EST

Nanoscribe Makes Fastest 3D Laser Lithography Printer for Nanostructures

The world’s fastest 3D printer of micro- and nanostructures has been developed by Nanoscribe GmbH, a spin-off of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the German company announced at the Photonics West.

Feb 12, 2013 03:29 PM EST

Pink Planet in Sky Appears Just Before Valentine's Day

Tonight, Mercury will appear as a pink planet in the sky just in time for Valentine's Day.

Feb 12, 2013 03:20 PM EST

Coca-Cola Addiction Death: New Zealand Mother Suffered Cardiac Arrhythmia from Soft Drinks

Most people don't think of a caffeine addiction as life-threatening. But for 30-year-old Natasha Harris, who drank 10 litres of Coca-Cola a day, she suffered a heart attack and died this month.

Coal Plant
Feb 12, 2013 02:29 PM EST

Carbon Dioxide Sponge Could Suck up Coal Emissions

A new material powered by sunlight has been created that can absorb carbon dioxide, reducing gas emissions.

Arabian desert
Feb 12, 2013 02:18 PM EST

Alarming Water Resource Loss in Middle-East Observed From Space

The alarming fact that large parts of the arid Middle East region lost freshwater reserves rapidly during the past decade is highlighted and measured precisely by a study based on data from a pair of gravity-measuring NASA satellites.

Feb 12, 2013 01:44 PM EST

Unchecked Animal Antibiotic Use in China Creates Deadlier Bacteria

The growing number of antibiotic resistant genes mirrors the increased use of antibiotics, according to a new study.

Midlife Problem Drinking Leads to Severe Memory Impairment
Feb 12, 2013 01:29 PM EST

Fat Tuesday: Mardi Gras Ranked Deadliest Holiday for Louisiana Due to Alcohol-Involved Crashes

Fat Tuesday, as the holiday implies, is certainly not the best day to start that 2013 diet, but it doesn't necessarily mean giving up on it or gorging till your pants won't zip. Or, maybe it does? But one thing's for certain. If you drink, please don't drive.

Sea Lion
Feb 12, 2013 01:00 PM EST

Record Number of Sick Sea Lion Pups Appear on California's Coast

More than 90 malnourished and dehydrated sea lion pups have been brought to a Los Angeles animal care facility so far this year, but more are arriving every day.

Feb 12, 2013 12:46 PM EST

Prescription Pain Relievers on the Rise in Germany, Opioid Increase

Prescription pain relievers are on the up in Germany.

Magic Trick
Feb 12, 2013 12:24 PM EST

Magic Trick Sheds Light on Neuroscience with 'Cup and Balls' Experiment

A magic trick may help shed a bit of light on human attention and visual systems, according to neuroscientists.

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