
Trapped Pregnant Loggerhead Turtle Rescued After It was Declared Healthy
Feb 13, 2013 10:37 AM EST

Turtle Endures Shark Attack and Swims with Artificial Flippers (Video)

A shark attack destroyed the front two flippers of a loggerhead sea turtle. Now, the turtle has received prosthetic limbs, allowing her to swim.

Lauren Marbe
Feb 13, 2013 09:59 AM EST

Girl with IQ of 161: Prodigy Prefers Tanning, Getting Manicures and Blonde Highlights

A teenage prodigy from Essex is giving Bill Gates and Albert Einstein a run for their money.

Feb 13, 2013 09:50 AM EST

Wolves in Danger from Hunters: U.S. Humane Society Sues FWS

Environmental groups are suing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in order to restore federal protections for wolves.

Ape Woman
Feb 13, 2013 09:29 AM EST

Mexican 'Ape Woman' Buried After 150 Years: Julia Pastrana Returns Home

Julia Pastrana, known as the ape woman, is finally being returned to her home country after 150 years.

Hole in ozone layer.
Feb 13, 2013 08:59 AM EST

Ozone Hole Retreat Shows Climate Science Triumph

Satellite data of the ozone sensor on Europe’s MetOp weather satellite, the hole over Antarctica in 2012 was the smallest in the last 10 years.

Home Births Reduce Maternal Complications in Low Risk Women
Feb 13, 2013 08:45 AM EST

Folic Acid May Lower Risk of Autism in Newborns: Another Reason to Take Vitamins

Folic acid may lower the risk of autism in newborns, according to new research.

Researchers Discover Two New Species of Salamander
Feb 13, 2013 07:30 AM EST

Researchers Discover Two New Species of Salamander

A team of researchers from Colombia has discovered two new species of salamander while conducting the first amphibian census that was supported by the Conservation Leadership Programme and Save Our Species. The newly discovered salamanders that belong to the genus Bolitoglossa were spotted at the Ta...

Sea Slug Owns a Disposable Penis
Feb 13, 2013 06:26 AM EST

Sea Slug Owns a Disposable Penis

Japanese scientists are surprised at the bizarre mating behavior of a sea slug. They are amused to see how a sea slug is able to detach its penis after copulation. Not only this, it can even re-grow and re-use its penis.

NASA: Rapid Loss of Freshwater from Middle East Region
Feb 13, 2013 06:10 AM EST

NASA: Rapid Loss of Freshwater from Middle East Region

A recent study by NASA reveals that large parts of the dry Middle East region lost freshwater rapidly, almost the size of the Dead Sea, during the past decade. According to the researchers, nearly 60 percent of the loss is due to the growing demand of groundwater and the 2007 drought.

Hole in ozone layer.
Feb 13, 2013 12:01 AM EST

Hole in Ozone Layer Shrinks to Lowest Since Its Discovery

The hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica has shrunken to its smallest size since being discovered decades ago, announced the European Space Agency.

Feb 12, 2013 11:33 PM EST

NASA: Asteroid Won’t Hit Earth; Russians Were Wrong

Russians have got that one completely wrong. According to NASA, we can all, it seems, let out a collective sight of relieve.

ISS research
Feb 12, 2013 04:51 PM EST

Europe's ISS Columbus Laboratory: Five Years Science in Space

A variety of scientific results were achieved thanks to now 5 years of experiments aboard the European Columbus laboratory module attached to the International Space Station. By now, 110 ESA-led experiments involving some 500 scientists have been conducted since 2008, spanning fluid physics, materia...

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