
Jan 24, 2013 07:52 AM EST

Intel Science Talent Search Announces 40 Finalists

The nation's oldest and most prestigious pre-college science competition 'Intel Science Talent Search 2013' has recognized its 40 U.S. high school seniors as finalists.

Jan 24, 2013 07:23 AM EST

Giraffes Form Complex Relationships: Study

Analyzing the complex social relationships among female giraffes helps in understanding the management and conservation of the species.

Faithful Owl Monkeys with Single Partner Have More Babies
Jan 24, 2013 04:07 AM EST

Owl Monkeys with Single Partners Have More Babies

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania suggests that monkeys who remain faithful to their primary mate have more offspring than those who change partners frequently.

Rare Spiders Discovered at the 150 Year Old London Cemetery
Jan 24, 2013 03:27 AM EST

Rare Spiders Discovered at 150-Year-Old London Cemetery

A rare species of spider has been discovered taking shelter in the vaults of the Highgate Cemetery in north London.

Opportunity Begins 10th year of Mission On Mars
Jan 24, 2013 01:31 AM EST

Opportunity Begins 10th year of Mission On Mars

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity that landed on the Red Planet nine years ago on Jan. 24, 2004 on a plain called Meridiani Planum is about to begin its 10th year of active mission on the Martian surface.

Jan 23, 2013 10:22 PM EST

Future of Storage: 100 Million Hours of HD video in Every Cup

DNA, the genetic material that holds all the information needed to make plants and animals, and now some scientists are saying it could help handle the growing storage needs of today's information society, according to a new study released in the journal Nature on Wednesday.

Graphene crumpled
Jan 23, 2013 05:33 PM EST

Switched Crumpling of Graphene Could Lead to Nano-Muscles

One property of graphene, an atom-thick lattice of carbon, is that it easily "crumples", just like paper. This is usually a disadvantage, as long as a flat sheet is desired. But it can also be turned in a very useful mechanism, if it can be switched on and off to act as a nano-scale muscle.

LHC proton-lead collisions CERN
Jan 23, 2013 04:35 PM EST

Heavy Lead Ions Crash Into Protons in First LHC Collisions of 2013

Following a week of configuration and tests with beams of protons and lead ions, which represent a challenge as it involves a strong increase in energy and reaching the maximum of some specifications, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) team in Geneva declared "stable beams" at 3:08 pm on January 20, as...

Jan 23, 2013 02:58 PM EST

Nanoparticles Used to Starve Cancer Cells to Death

Researchers announced successful tests with gold-containing nanoparticles that mimic a natural substance needed by lymphoma cancer cells, which ingest the nanoparticles instead of their essential nutrition and are subsequently dying of starvation. The method stopped human cancer tumor growth in mice...

Jan 23, 2013 02:43 PM EST

Dogs Evolved by Eating Our Waste

New research of the dog genome has linked widespread dog domestication to the emergence of agriculture—and our trash.

Jan 23, 2013 02:07 PM EST

Bird Flu Research Resumes; Watch Out for the Zombies

A letter signed by 40 virus researchers around the world and published in the journals Science and Nature stated that the moratorium placed on bird flu research was being lifted.

Jan 23, 2013 01:43 PM EST

Chimpanzee Cooperation Linked to Hormone; Sharing and Caring

Researchers have found out exactly why unrelated chimpanzees will cooperate with each other outside of a sexual relationship.

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