
Deep space industries asteroid mining firefly scout
Jan 22, 2013 06:18 PM EST

Gallery: Asteroid Mining Company's Futuristic Orbital Infrastructure

Tuesday saw the official launch and press conference of the new asteroid mining company Deep Space Industries (DSI), which presents a couple of both innovative and realistic ideas to start the asteroid mining business. DSI even announced a near-term exploration start by launching small and inexpensi...

Deep space industries asteroid mining fuel processor
Jan 22, 2013 05:46 PM EST

Asteroid Mining Company Launched, Plans to Use 3D-Printers in Space

Tuesday saw the official launch and press conference of the new asteroid mining company Deep Space Industries (DSI), which presents a couple of both innovative and realistic ideas to start the asteroid mining business. DSI even announced a near-term exploration start by launching small and inexpensi...

Ancient Bird
Jan 22, 2013 03:36 PM EST

Flashy Boy or Drab Girl? Sex of Ancient Bird Determined

Researchers from the Natural History museum have determined the sex of a now-extinct bird.

Mini Satellites Used as Space Cops to Prevent Satellite Collision with Space Debris
Jan 22, 2013 02:58 PM EST

DARPA Unveils Plan for Robot Recyclers (Video)

Robot mechanics may soon be repairing and constructing satellites--in space.

synthesized polymer on a gold surface
Jan 22, 2013 02:58 PM EST

Physicists Create Shapeshifting Single Molecule, Reacting to Stimuli

Researchers in Munich, Germany created a synthetic polymer molecule that can react to external stimuli by changing its shape, which could be useful for several applications in nanotechnology, like nano-scale switches and molecular machines.

Jan 22, 2013 02:05 PM EST

Golden Retrievers Help Fight Cancer

A new study will attempt to discover the cause of cancer in older dogs. It’s the first long term study of its kind on canine cancer and other dog diseases.

Open Star Cluster NGC411 hubble
Jan 22, 2013 01:47 PM EST

Hubble Telescope Picture Shows Gorgeous Star Cluster

Another impressive Hubble telescope picture shows a large star cluster, made possible by combining ultraviolet, visible and infrared observations made by Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 into a composite image. Such a filter set lets the telescope "see" colors slightly further beyond red and the violet ...

Jan 22, 2013 01:12 PM EST

DARPA Will Seed Oceans with Robots: Falling Up

The U.S. military wants to seed the ocean floor with robotic drones, sensors, or decoys to complete missions that range from rescue to disruption.

Hearing Aid
Jan 22, 2013 12:12 PM EST

What's That? Hearing Loss May Cause Mental Decline

New research has linked hearing impairment with metal decline in seniors.

Jan 22, 2013 11:32 AM EST

Cats Eradicated in New Zealand? Kitten Lovers Fight Back

Economist Gareth Morgan is worried that New Zealand’s cats are slowly decimating native bird populations, leaving the country without its natural wildlife.

Jan 22, 2013 11:30 AM EST

Melamine From Tableware Seaps Into Food Study Shows

Taiwanese researchers conducted a small study showing that eating soup from bowls made out of melamine leads to increased melamine concentration in the urine, a chemical that led to poisoning in very high concentrations in babies, killing 6 babies in China in 2008.

Having Mentor at Young Age Boosts Career Success
Jan 22, 2013 10:29 AM EST

Pay Attention: ADHD Diagnoses Increased by 24 Percent

Children may be having more trouble paying attention, according to recent findings.

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