
Power buoy
May 14, 2012 02:10 PM EDT

Harnessing the Awesome Power of the Ocean Waves

MBARI engineer Andy Hamilton looks out his office window in Moss Landing and points at the waves crashing on the beach below. "Pretty impressive, aren't they? You'd think there'd be a way to make use of all that energy." Since 2009, Hamilton has led a team of engineers trying to do just that. Their ...

May 14, 2012 01:41 PM EDT

Cities Must Adapt to Our Changing Climate, Say Leaders

Bruntwood, one of the UK's leading property companies, and The University of Manchester host a symposium to discuss the first phase of their EcoCities project; a long-term partnership looking at how cities should adapt to the changing climate.

May 14, 2012 01:23 PM EDT

Brain Oscillations Reveal Our Senses Do not Experience the World Continuously

Now, researchers at the University of Glasgow have demonstrated this is indeed the case. Just as the body goes through a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle controlled by a circadian clock, brain function undergoes such cyclic activity - albeit at a much faster rate.

May 14, 2012 01:11 PM EDT

Drug Kills Cancer Cells by Restoring Faulty Tumor Suppressor

A new study describes a compound that selectively kills cancer cells by restoring the structure and function of one of the most commonly mutated proteins in human cancer, the "tumor suppressor" p53.

May 14, 2012 12:41 PM EDT

A Graceful Retirement for Envisat after 10 Years Watching over Our Planet

Following the unexpected loss of contact with Envisat on 08 April 2012 the European Space Agency (ESA) has spent the last month trying to re-establish communication. They have now declared the end of the mission that has been informing our understanding of the planet for a decade.

electron microscope
May 14, 2012 12:11 PM EDT

You Can't Play Nano-billiards on a Bumpy Table

There's nothing worse than a shonky pool table with an unseen groove or bump that sends your shot off course: a new study has found that the same goes at the nano-scale, where the "billiard balls" are tiny electrons moving across a "table" made of the semiconductor gallium arsenide.

May 14, 2012 11:50 AM EDT

Video: NASA Now Minute: Science as Inquiry: Microgravity Drop Tower

In this program, Nancy Hall, a research scientist at NASA Glenn Research Center, discusses the different ways matter acts in the gravity on Earth and the microgravity of space and how she uses a drop tower for testing. NASA Now Minutes are excerpts from a weekly current events program available for ...

May 14, 2012 11:42 AM EDT

Is a New Form of Life Really so Alien?

The idea of discovering a new form of life has not only excited astronomers and astrobiologists for decades, but also the wider public. The notion that we are the only example of a successful life form in the galaxy has, for many, seemed like an unlikely statistic, as we discover more and more habit...

Basic Discovery is Key to Rapid Economic Development
May 14, 2012 11:09 AM EDT

Cellular Secrets of Plant Fatty Acid Production Understood

A curious twist in a family of plant proteins called chalcone-isomerase recently was discovered by Salk Institute for Biological Studies scientist Joseph Noel and colleagues at Iowa State University led by Eve Wurtele.

Researchers from UC3M Monitor a Chicken's Brain
May 14, 2012 10:59 AM EDT

Researchers from UC3M Monitor a Chicken's Brain

This is one of the principle conclusions of a study that has been published in the scientific journal Current Biology. Participants in the study included Evan Balaban (McGill University, Montreal), Manuel Desco (Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital of Madrid and UC3M) and Juan José ...

Float Toss
May 14, 2012 10:44 AM EDT

Floating Robots Use GPS-enabled Smartphones to Track Water Flow

A fleet of 100 floating robots took a trip down the Sacramento River today (Wednesday, May 9) in a field test organized by engineers at the University of California, Berkeley. The smartphone-equipped floating robots demonstrated the next generation of water monitoring technology, promising to transf...

Full Facial Photograph of Individual with Hamamy Syndrome
May 14, 2012 10:35 AM EDT

Scientists Make Droundbreaking Discovery of Mutation-causing Genetic Disorder in Humans

Scientists at A*STAR's Institute of Medical Biology (IMB), in collaboration with doctors and scientists in Jordan, Turkey, Switzerland and USA, have identified the genetic cause of a birth defect known as Hamamy syndrome . Their groundbreaking findings were published on May 13th in the prestigious j...

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