
IAEA Vienna
May 14, 2012 07:09 AM EDT

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Meeting Ends in Vienna

The two-week session highlighted the key role the Treaty asks of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which verifies the peaceful nuclear activities in the Treaty's non-nuclear-weapon states and supports the spread of peaceful nuclear technologies.

May 12, 2012 04:12 PM EDT

Birth Defects Linked to Childhood Cancer: Study

A new study suggests children born with a range of birth defects are at an increased risk of developing certain childhood cancers, especially during their first year of life.

US operators
May 12, 2012 04:07 PM EDT

Wireless Carriers Eye Solutions to Spectrum Crunch

Top U.S. mobile operators are turning to a new type of equipment known as small cells to boost network capacity in the face of a shortage of wireless spectrum.

Plume from the Karymsky Volcano
May 12, 2012 03:42 PM EDT

Earth Observatory: Plume from the Karymsky Volcano

Karymsky Volcano has erupted regularly for more than ten years. This natural-color satellite image shows the volcano’s typical low-level activity. A white gas plume rises above Karmymsky’s summit, and fresh volcanic material coats the eastern slopes. This image was acquired by the Adva...

Parkfield Fault Model
May 12, 2012 03:36 PM EDT

Caltech Researchers Gain Greater Insight into Earthquake Cycles

For those who study earthquakes, one major challenge has been trying to understand all the physics of a fault-both during an earthquake and at times of "rest"-in order to know more about how a particular region may behave in the future. Now, researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Cal...

May 12, 2012 03:26 PM EDT

Evolution's Gift May Also be at the Root of a Form of Autism

A recently evolved pattern of gene activity in the language and decision-making centers of the human brain is missing in a disorder associated with autism and learning disabilities, a new study by Yale University researchers shows.

Navigating the Shopping Center
May 12, 2012 08:38 AM EDT

Navigating the Shopping Center

A smartphone with GPS functionality is a delightful tool. It guides its owner safely and with certainty through the streets of an unfamiliar city. But after arriving at the destination, all too often the orientation is gone, because as soon as you enter a building, you lose contact with the GPS sate...

Scientists 'Read' the Ash from the Icelandic Volcano 2 Years After its Eruption
May 12, 2012 08:31 AM EDT

Scientists 'Read' the Ash from the Icelandic Volcano 2 years after Its Eruption

In May 2010, the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull reached the Iberian Peninsula and brought airports to a halt all over Europe. At the time, scientists followed its paths using satellites, laser detectors, sun photometers and other instruments. Two years later they have now p...

May 11, 2012 04:48 PM EDT

Study Shows Benefit of New Maintenance Therapy for Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a form of cancer where the plasma cells in the bone marrow grow out of control, causing damage to bones as well as predisposing patients to anemia, infection and kidney failure. A medical procedure called autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, commonly known as a ste...

May 11, 2012 04:40 PM EDT

Undocumented Latino Youth Turn to Activism to Combat Obstacles

Undocumented Latino youth in the U.S. face futures clouded by fewer rights than their documented peers and the constant fear of deportation. Such status constraints usually aren't fully understood until young adulthood, said UC Irvine anthropologist Leo Chavez, and the awareness often serves as a ca...

May 11, 2012 04:29 PM EDT

Military Marriages Stay Strong Despite Challenges

Despite the fact that military service means working long hours with unpredictable schedules, frequent relocations, and separations from loved ones due to deployment, a new study published in the Journal of Family Issues (a SAGE journal) finds that marriages of military members are not more vulnerab...

May 11, 2012 04:15 PM EDT

Highly Targeted Irradiation as Good as Whole Breast Radiotherapy in Early Stage Cancer

Using a concentrated, highly targeted dose of radiation to the breast has equally good results as irradiating the whole area, with no adverse effects on survival and a much better cosmetic outcome, Hungarian researchers have found. Reporting the ten-year results of a randomised trial, Professor Csab...

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