
Apr 17, 2012 11:27 AM EDT

Study Amplifies Understanding of Hearing in Baleen Whales

For decades, scientists have known that dolphins and other toothed whales have specialized fats associated with their jaws, which efficiently convey sound waves from the ocean to their ears. But until now, the hearing systems of their toothless grazing cousins, baleen whales, remained a mystery.

Apr 17, 2012 11:20 AM EDT

The Sea as a Rubbish Tip

Large quantities of globally produced plastics end up in the oceans where they represent a growing risk. Above all very small objects, so-called microplastic particles, are endangering the lives of the many sea creatures. An estimate of how greatly the oceans are polluted with microplastic particles...

Apr 17, 2012 10:49 AM EDT

Orangutan Nest Building Shows High Degree of Sophistication

Orangutans may be smarter than previously thought if a new study into the sophisticated way they build nests is any indication.

Study Ties Use of Gloves After Hand Washing to Fewer Infections in Preemies
Apr 17, 2012 10:42 AM EDT

Lack of Sleep Is Linked to Obesity, New Evidence Shows

Can lack of sleep make you fat? A new paper which reviews the evidence from sleep restriction studies reveals that inadequate sleep is linked to obesity. The research, published in a special issue of the The American Journal of Human Biology, explores how lack of sleep can impact appetite regulation...

Diesel Reloaded Innotruck
Apr 17, 2012 10:31 AM EDT

'Diesel Reloaded:' A Vehicle for Rethinking Mobility Rolls into Hannover Messe

The public and press can see the latest progress in a unique, ongoing electromobility research project during the international trade fair MobiliTec, which takes place April 23-27 at the Hannover Messe.

Space shuttle
Apr 17, 2012 10:20 AM EDT

Space Shuttle Discovery Takes off on Final Flight to Museum

The space shuttle Discovery took off on its final voyage on Tuesday, on a piggyback jet ride to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum's Virginia annex.

Hubble's Panoramic View of a Star-Forming Region
Apr 17, 2012 10:07 AM EDT

Hubble's Panoramic View of a Turbulent Star-making Region

30 Doradus is the brightest star-forming region in our galactic neighbourhood and home to the most massive stars ever seen. The nebula resides 170 000 light-years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small, satellite galaxy of our Milky Way. No known star-forming region in our galaxy is as large or...

Imaging for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy in Gynecologic Cancer
Apr 17, 2012 09:46 AM EDT

New Radiation Therapy Reduces Treatment of Gynecologic Cancers from 5 Weeks to 3 Days

About 71,500 women in the United States are diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Researchers from University Hospitals Case Medical Center have developed a more effective way to treat gynecologic cancers, shortening radiation treatment time fr...

Apr 17, 2012 09:11 AM EDT

Tim Gets His Feet Wet

ESA astronaut Timothy Peake will soon dive to the bottom of the sea to learn more about exploring space. A permanent underwater base almost 20 m below the waves off the coast of Florida will be Tim's home for more than a week in June.

Apr 17, 2012 08:56 AM EDT

NOAA Releases New Views of Earth’s Ocean Floor

NOAA has made sea floor maps and other data on the world's coasts, continental shelves and deep ocean available for easy viewing online. Anyone with Internet access can now explore undersea features and obtain detailed depictions of the sea floor and coasts, including deep canyons, ripples, landslid...

Apr 17, 2012 08:45 AM EDT

Asteroid Craters on Earth Give Clues in Search for Life on Mars

Craters made by asteroid impacts may be the best place to look for signs of life on other planets, a study suggests.

Apr 17, 2012 06:32 AM EDT

NASA Clears SpaceX for Cargo Run to Space Station

NASA on Monday cleared a cargo ship owned by Space Exploration Technologies for a test flight to the International Space Station that is scheduled to launch on April 30, NASA officials said.

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