
Apr 16, 2012 09:20 AM EDT

Topological Transitions in Metamaterials

The ability to control the flow of electrons using engineered materials is fundamental to the information technology revolution, yet many properties of matter are still unclear. Now a University of Alberta researcher is closer to understanding some of the exotic electronic properties in matter using...

Apr 16, 2012 09:13 AM EDT

Solar Wind, Moon Dust and Martian Lights

The Canadian Space Agency has funded a University of Alberta-led project to study the effects of solar winds on Earth's moon and on Mars. The results are anticipated to influence design of spacecraft for robotic and human exploration.

Apr 16, 2012 08:57 AM EDT

Probing Hydrogen Under Extreme Conditions

How hydrogen--the most abundant element in the cosmos--responds to extremes of pressure and temperature is one of the major challenges in modern physical science.

Charles DeCarli
Apr 16, 2012 08:49 AM EDT

Large International study finds memory in adults impacted by versions of four genes

Two research studies, co-led by UC Davis neurologist Charles DeCarli and conducted by an international team that included more than 80 scientists at 71 institutions in eight countries, has advanced understanding of the genetic components of Alzheimer's disease and of brain development. Both studies ...

Arabidopsis thaliana
Apr 16, 2012 08:26 AM EDT

Salk Scientists Discover How Plants Grow to Escape Shade

Mild mannered though they seem, plants are extremely competitive, especially when it comes to getting their fair share of sunlight. Whether a forest or a farm, where plants grow a battle wages for the sun's rays.

Apr 16, 2012 08:16 AM EDT

NASA Planning Group Takes Key Steps for Future Mars Exploration

NASA's Mars Program Planning Group (MPPG), established to assist the agency in developing a new strategy for the exploration of the Red Planet, has begun analyzing options for future robotic missions and enlisting the assistance of scientists and engineers worldwide.

Lung cancer
Apr 16, 2012 07:59 AM EDT

Latest Research Confirms Genetic Susceptibility to Lung Cancer

Previous research has shown that Asian patients with lung cancer are more likely to harbor epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations. Furthermore, Asian patients with lung cancer are more likely to be non-smokers than Western patients with lung cancer. Research in the May 2012 issue of the I...

X ray
Apr 16, 2012 07:50 AM EDT

New X-ray Technique Reveals Structure of Printable Electronics

An innovative X-ray technique has given North Carolina State University researchers and their collaborators new insight into how organic polymers can be used in printable electronics such as transistors and solar cells. Their discoveries may lead to cheaper, more efficient printable electronic devic...

Apr 16, 2012 07:27 AM EDT

Resurfacing Urban Areas to Offset 150 Billion Tons of CO2

Imagine a world where the rooftops and pavements of every urban area are resurfaced to increase the reflection of the Sun's light rays. Well, this is exactly what a group of Canadian researchers have done in an attempt to measure the potential effects against global warming.

Netarts Bay, Ore.
Apr 16, 2012 07:20 AM EDT

Ocean Acidification Linked with Larval Oyster Failure in Hatcheries

Marine researchers have definitively linked the collapse of oyster seed production at a commercial oyster hatchery in Oregon to an increase in ocean acidification.

Apr 16, 2012 07:11 AM EDT

Shanghai At Night: A Growing City

The city of Shanghai sits along the delta banks of the Yangtze River along the eastern coast of China. The city proper is the world's most populous city (the 2010 census counts 23 million people, including "unregistered" residents). With that many humans, the city is a tremendous sight at night.

Lower North Fork Fire Burn Scar
Apr 16, 2012 06:57 AM EDT

Lower North Fork Fire Burn Scar

The Lower North Fork Fire began on March 26, 2012 when firefighters lost control of a planned burn in Foxton, Colorado, an unincorporated town southwest of Denver.

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