
Apr 03, 2012 01:49 PM EDT

'Backpacking' Bacteria

To the ranks of horses, donkeys, camels and other animals that have served humanity as pack animals or beasts of burden, scientists are now enlisting bacteria to ferry nano-medicine cargos throughout the human body. They reported on progress in developing these "backpacking" bacteria - so small that...

Apr 03, 2012 01:16 PM EDT

Warmest March on Record Across Half the U.S., Expert Says

Last month was the warmest March on record across half of the United States with summer-like temperatures providing some welcome news to the country's farmers and clothing retailers, a weather expert said.

Artic ice
Apr 03, 2012 12:53 PM EDT

Melting Arctic May Redraw Global Geopolitical Map

This year's frenzy of oil and gas exploration in newly accessible Arctic waters could be the harbinger of even starker changes to come.

Amorphophallus konjac.
Apr 03, 2012 12:46 PM EDT

Plants Mimic Scent of Pollinating Beetles

The color and scent of flowers and their perception by pollinator insects are believed to have evolved in the course of mutual adaptation. However, an evolutionary biologist from the University of Zurich has now proved that this is not the case with the arum family at least, which evolved its scent ...

Apr 03, 2012 12:37 PM EDT

Venus Invades the Pleiades

This week the second planet from the sun will pass directly in front of the Pleiades star cluster. It's a rare sunset conjunction that's easy to find with the unaided eye, but best seen through binoculars or a small telescope.

Apr 03, 2012 08:46 AM EDT

Pitt Researchers Link Neural Variability to Short-term Memory and Decision Making

A team of University of Pittsburgh mathematicians is using computational models to better understand how the structure of neural variability relates to such functions as short-term memory and decision making. In a paper published online April 2 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNA...

Facebook Ruins New Relationships: Study
Apr 03, 2012 08:09 AM EDT

Sweden's Largest Facebook Study: A Survey of 1,000 Swedish Facebook Users

The surveyed women spend an average of 81 minutes per day on Facebook, whereas men spend 64 minutes. Low educated groups and low income groups who spend more time on Facebook also report feeling less happy and less content with their lives. This relationship between time spent on Facebook and well-b...

Apr 03, 2012 08:03 AM EDT

Seeing Double: 1 in 30 Babies Born in US is a Twin

Women having children at older ages and the growing availability of fertility treatments has led to a marked increase in the birth of twins: In 2009, one in every 30 babies born in the United States was a twin compared with one in every 53 in 1980.

Apr 03, 2012 07:49 AM EDT

Patients Want Immediate Access to Radiology Test Results

You've been experiencing severe back pain and weakness in your right leg. Your doctor orders a spinal MRI to help determine the cause. The radiology report diagnoses cancer.

DDT Exposure Tied to Increased Risk and Severity of Alzheimer's Disease
Apr 03, 2012 07:41 AM EDT

New Study is First to Show That Pesticides Can Induce Morphological Changes in Vertebrate Animals

The world's most popular weed killer, Roundup®, can cause amphibians to change shape, according to research published today in Ecological Applications.

Childhood Bullying Linked of Self Harm in Late Adolescence
Apr 03, 2012 07:35 AM EDT

Improvements in Autism Symptoms Vary Kid by Kid

A new study suggests that social and communication skills in some kids with autism may improve over time with therapy, but other kids will continue having problems functioning as they get older.

Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy in the Constellation Fornax
Apr 03, 2012 07:26 AM EDT

Fermi Observations of Dwarf Galaxies Provide New Insights on Dark Matter

There's more to the cosmos than meets the eye. About 80 percent of the matter in the universe is invisible to telescopes, yet its gravitational influence is manifest in the orbital speeds of stars around galaxies and in the motions of clusters of galaxies. Yet, despite decades of effort, no one know...

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