
Kholmsk, Sakhalin
Mar 31, 2012 09:09 PM EDT

Russia's Pacific Sakhalin Island Braces for Blizzard

Russia's Emergencies Ministry said on Saturday it expected blizzards and high winds to batter the northern parts of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands on Sunday, an area that is home to international oil and gas projects.

Mar 31, 2012 09:04 PM EDT

NASA Sees Typhoon Pakhar Headed for Vietnam Landfall

The first typhoon of the northern hemisphere 2012 typhoon season is headed for landfall in Vietnam. NASA's Aqua and TRMM satellites have been providing forecasters with valuable data on Typhoon Pakhar, that includes rainfall rates, cloud extent and temperature.

Daphnia in the Early Stages of Infection
Mar 31, 2012 08:45 AM EDT

Evolving to Fight Epidemics: Weakness Can be an Advantage

When battling a deadly parasite epidemic, less resistance can sometimes be better than more, a new study suggests.

Mar 31, 2012 08:33 AM EDT

NIH study Finds Women Spend Longer in Labor Now than 50 Years Ago

Women take longer to give birth today than did women 50 years ago, according to an analysis of nearly 140,000 deliveries conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. The researchers could not identify all of the factors that accounted for the increase, but concluded that the change...

Mar 30, 2012 04:27 PM EDT

Penn Biologists Identify a Key Enzyme Involved in Protecting Nerves from Degeneration

A new animal model of nerve injury has brought to light a critical role of an enzyme called Nmnat in nerve fiber maintenance and neuroprotection. Understanding biological pathways involved in maintaining healthy nerves and clearing away damaged ones may offer scientists targets for drugs to mitigate...

Planet under pressure
Mar 30, 2012 04:18 PM EDT

Planet under Pressure Conference, London: Final Statement

Scientists issued the first "State of the Planet" declaration at a major gathering of experts on global environmental and social issues in advance of the major UN Summit Rio+20 in June.

Mar 30, 2012 03:46 PM EDT

Newly Discovered Foot Points to a New Kid on the Hominin Block

It seems that "Lucy" was not the only hominin on the block in northern Africa about 3 million years ago.

Robo reader
Mar 30, 2012 01:49 PM EDT

Robo-readers: the New Teachers' Helper in the U.S.

American high school students are terrible writers, and one education reform group thinks it has an answer: robots.

Ghosts of Reefs Past
Mar 30, 2012 12:20 PM EDT

Declines in Caribbean Coral Reefs Pre-date Damage Resulting from Climate Change

The decline of Caribbean coral reefs has been linked to the recent effects of human-induced climate change. However, new research led by scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego suggests an even earlier cause. The bad news – humans are still to blame. The good news â...

Gold mining
Mar 30, 2012 11:45 AM EDT

True Economic Measure Includes Natural Assets: Scientists

Traditional measures showing strong economic growth in Brazil and India over nearly two decades fail to take account of the depletion of their natural resources, scientists and economists at a climate conference said on Wednesday.

Mar 30, 2012 11:24 AM EDT

Bees 'Self-medicate' When Infected with Some Pathogens

Research from North Carolina State University shows that honey bees "self-medicate" when their colony is infected with a harmful fungus, bringing in increased amounts of antifungal plant resins to ward off the pathogen.

Tropical forest
Mar 30, 2012 10:51 AM EDT

Extreme Weather Threatens Rich Ecosystems

Extreme weather such as hurricanes, torrential downpours and droughts will become more frequent in pace with global warming. Consequently, this increases the risk for species extinction, especially in bio diverse ecosystems such as coral reefs and tropical rainforests.

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