
Mar 28, 2012 09:02 AM EDT

Mars-Bound NASA Craft Adjusts Path, Tests Instruments

NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft, halfway to Mars, adjusted its flight path today for delivery of the one-ton rover Curiosity to the surface of Mars in August.

NASA Infrared Data Shows Bands of Thunderstorms Around 96W
Mar 28, 2012 08:50 AM EDT

NASA Satellite Sees Thunderstorms Banding Around Developing System 96W

A low pressure system that has been lingering in the western North Pacific Ocean for several days appears to be coming together today in infrared imagery from NASA's Aqua satellite.

Mar 28, 2012 08:18 AM EDT

Nanostarfruits Are Pure Gold for Research

They look like fruit, and indeed the nanoscale stars of new research at Rice University have tasty implications for medical imaging and chemical sensing.

Mar 28, 2012 07:56 AM EDT

Health Experts Recommend You Set Your Toddlers Free

In response to an urgent call from public health, health care, child care, and fitness practitioners, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), with assistance from multiple partners, has developed two important sets of guidelines directed at improving the health and activity levels of in...

Mar 28, 2012 07:44 AM EDT

Europeans Are World's Heaviest Drinkers: WHO Report

People in Europe drink more alcohol than in any other part of the world, downing the equivalent of 12.5 litres of pure alcohol a year or almost three glasses of wine a day, according to report by the World Health Organisation and the European Commission.

Mar 28, 2012 06:50 AM EDT

Analysis: EPA Rule a New Setback for New Coal Plants

The first-ever U.S. proposal to restrict carbon dioxide emissions would have once been a major shock to electricity companies by making it uneconomic to build new coal-fired power plants.

Mar 28, 2012 06:31 AM EDT

"Tens of Billions" of Habitable Worlds in Milky Way

Astronomers hunting for rocky planets with the right temperature to support life estimate there may be tens of billions of them in our galaxy alone.

carbon limits
Mar 28, 2012 06:21 AM EDT

Government Proposes First Carbon Limits on Power Plants

The Obama administration proposed on Tuesday the first rules to cut carbon dioxide emissions from new U.S. power plants, a move hotly contested by Republicans and industry in an election year.

Mar 27, 2012 04:56 PM EDT

Some Breast Cancer Tumors May be Resistant to a Common Chemotherapy Treatment

Some breast cancer tumours may be resistant to a common chemotherapy treatment, suggests recent medical research at the University of Alberta.

Mar 27, 2012 04:29 PM EDT

New Global Platform for Sustainability Research Presented at Planet Under Pressure

An alliance of international partners from global science, research funding and UN bodies, announced a bold new 10-year initiative on global environmental change for sustainability at the Planet under Pressure conference on Tuesday. Future Earth - research for global sustainability, operational in 2...

Bururi Long-Fingered Frog
Mar 27, 2012 04:17 PM EDT

Elusive Long-fingered Frog Found After 62 Years

Herpetologists from the California Academy of Sciences and University of Texas at El Paso discovered a single specimen of the Bururi long-fingered frog (Cardioglossa cyaneospila) during a research expedition to Burundi in December 2011. The frog was last seen by scientists in 1949 and was feared to ...

Microfluidic Flu-Detection
Mar 27, 2012 04:07 PM EDT

Boston University Researchers Develop Microfluidic Chip to Stem Flu Outbreaks

The H1N1 flu pandemic in 2009 underscored weaknesses in methods widely used to diagnose the flu, from frequent false negatives to long wait times for results. Now Boston University researchers have developed a prototype of a rapid, low-cost, accurate, point-of-care device that promises to provide cl...

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