
Autism Speaks Logo
Mar 26, 2012 11:31 AM EDT

Autism Speaks Awards $1.1 Million to Fund High Priority Studies

Autism Speaks, the world's leading autism science and advocacy organization, today announced the award of new research grants totaling $1.1 million in funding to support high priority studies. "Suzanne and I are extraordinarily proud of Autism Speaks' continued funding for novel research projects wh...

Spanish company
Mar 26, 2012 11:22 AM EDT

A study Examines How Spanish Companies Innovate

The study analyzes the relationships among the different agents who participate in scientific and technological development, particularly between universities and research centers (as generators of knowledge) and companies (as the transformers of knowledge into goods for society). To do this, the re...

Mar 26, 2012 11:05 AM EDT

Scientists Unlock Key to Cancer Cell Death Mystery

An international team of scientists has announced a new advance in the ability to target and destroy certain cancer cells. A group led by the University of Leicester has shown that particular cancer cells are especially sensitive to a protein called p21. This protein usually forces normal and cance...

Examples of Animals in the Hurl Identification Guide
Mar 26, 2012 10:47 AM EDT

The Hawai'i Undersea Research Laboratory Launches Online Deep-sea Animal Identification Guide

With over 30 years of diving to the deep-sea in manned submersibles, scientists at the Hawai'i Undersea Research Laboratory have seen a plethora of organisms most people will never have a chance to see. As one of the few institutions that creates detailed logs of all video produced with the submersi...

Doctor office
Mar 26, 2012 10:16 AM EDT

Protein Found to Regulate Spread of Pancreatic Cancer Cells

Researchers at Queen Mary, University of London have identified a new protein that makes pancreatic cancer cells less 'sticky' and therefore less able to attach to and invade other tissue.

Diabetes drug
Mar 26, 2012 09:59 AM EDT

Diabetes Drug Can Prevent Heart Disease

The widely used diabetes medicine metformin can have protective effects on the heart, reveals a new study conducted at the Sahlgrenska Academy, at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Mar 26, 2012 09:50 AM EDT

Electrical Pulse Treatment Gives Pancreatic Cancer Patients New Hope

Results of a study presented at the Society of Interventional Radiology's 37th Annual Scientific Meeting in San Francisco, Calif., signal a light at the end of the tunnel for individuals with inoperable locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC). A new procedure called irreversible electroporation or...

Mar 26, 2012 09:30 AM EDT

Desert Footprints Reveal Ancient Origins of Elephants’ Social Lives

A cluster of ancient footprints in the Arabian desert offers the clearest evidence yet for the early origins of modern elephants' social structure, according to a Yale-led research team.

Image of the Day Gallery
Mar 26, 2012 08:55 AM EDT

Hubble Sees Glittering Jewels of Messier 9

The Hubble Space Telescope has produced the most detailed image so far of Messier 9, a globular star cluster located close to the center of the galaxy. This ball of stars is too faint to see with the naked eye, yet Hubble can see over 250,000 individual stars shining in it.

Dust storm
Mar 26, 2012 08:46 AM EDT

Dust Storm in Southwest Asia

Dust storms have been raging across southwestern Asia and the Middle East in mid-March 2012. Intense dust events spanned thousands of kilometers from the Red Sea to Afgashistan, and from the Arabian Peninsula to India. Earlier in the month, dust was on the move in Iraq and Syria and along Africa's A...

Mar 26, 2012 08:18 AM EDT

Earth Observatory: Pagan Island, Northern Marianas

A steam plume flows blows south from the peak of Pagan Island's northernmost volcano in this photograph by an astronaut on the International Space Station (ISS). Pagan is part of the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, an island chain of volcanoes that form the margin between the Pacific Ocean (t...

Mar 26, 2012 07:58 AM EDT

Link Builds Between Weather Extremes and Warming

Extreme weather events over the past decade have increased and were "very likely" caused by manmade global warming, a study in the journal Nature Climate Change said on Sunday.

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