
Whale Watching Season Underway In Sydney
Sep 08, 2016 08:45 AM EDT

Humpback Whales No Longer In Endangered Species List

Humpback whale numbers have been increasing, thanks to the stop of whaling and other precautions.

Sao Paulo Lab Produces Genetically-Modified Mosquitoes To Combat Zika Virus
Sep 08, 2016 08:40 AM EDT

Scientists Discovers A Genetic Tool To Help Endangered Species Grow In Numbers

With the help of a genetic tool, scientists can now alter the DNA of species. Is there a threat to the environment?

Xanadu Drainage
Sep 08, 2016 07:31 AM EDT

NASA’s Cassini Spacecraft Obtains New Images Of Titan, Shows Interesting Terrain Features

New images obtained by the Cassini spacecraft, during its close flyby of Titan, reveals interesting features about the terrain of Saturn's moon.

Apple Introduces New iPhone
Sep 08, 2016 07:28 AM EDT

Not So Spacey: iPhone 7’s 32GB Memory May Not Be Enough, Says Report

Though Apple has wisely ditched a 16GB option in the iPhone 7 but with 4K video, big apps and raw photos, you may get a lack of storage in the new model.

File:US Navy doctors deliver a healthy baby -b.jpg
Sep 08, 2016 07:24 AM EDT

Umbilical Cord Blood Could Be Life-Saving For Leukemia Patients, Study Says

The umbilical cord blood collected from a baby after his delivery could save the lives of adults and children with leukemia.

Hurricane Hermine Makes Landfall In Florida
Sep 08, 2016 07:21 AM EDT

Tropical Storm Newton Heads Toward US After Killing Four People In Mexico, Might Potentially Bring Flash Floods, Mudslides

Tropical storm Newton is heading towards the U.S. and might cause flash floods and mudslides.

OSIRIS-REx spacecraft
Sep 08, 2016 07:19 AM EDT

NASA Set To Launch Groundbreaking First Mission To Near Earth Asteroid

The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft is all set to take off on Thursday for the groundbreaking asteroid Bennu mission.

gluten-free cake
Sep 08, 2016 07:14 AM EDT

Gluten-Free Doesn't Necessarily Mean Healthy Albeit Celiac Disease Prevention, Experts Say

Numerous people without celiac disease opt for a gluten-free diet because they believe it can help them lose weight in a healthy way. However, experts say the opposite.

U.S., Russian Crew Land in Kazakhstan After 172-Day Mission
Sep 08, 2016 07:11 AM EDT

Soyuz Crew Returns Home: Expedition 48 touches down in Kazakhstan after 172 days in space

Two cosmonauts and one astronaut have safely wrapped up a 172-day mission aboard the International Space Station with a parachute descent early Wednesday morning in the Kazakhstan steppes, a NASA TV broadcast showed.

Civet Coffee In Indonesia
Sep 08, 2016 06:54 AM EDT

Climate Change Will Reduce The Coffee Production in 2050, Research says

Will the taste of coffee change in the future due to the Earth's climate problem?

Sep 08, 2016 06:38 AM EDT

Gender Equality Update: More Women Are Doing Less Housework These Days, Research Shows

Over the last 50 years, there has been a change on how men and women spend time doing housework. The improvement may be slow in other countries, but the overall findings have shown real progress.

Ethiopian wolf
Sep 08, 2016 06:36 AM EDT

More Ethiopian Wolves Successfully Immunized From Rabies, Vaccines May Save Them From Extinction

With only around 500 remaining Ethiopian wolves, researchers continue to find ways to save them from extinction. Currently, a seemingly effective way is through oral vaccines.

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