
Glycopeptide Antibiotic Producers from the Wright Study (IMAGE)
Aug 13, 2019 04:39 AM EDT

Ancient Natural History of Antibiotic Production and Resistance Revealed

Hamilton, ON (August 12, 2019) - A study from McMaster University has unearthed new details about the evolutionary history of both antibiotic production and resistance and dates their co-emergence as far back as 350 to 500 million years.

Asian Longhorned Beetle (IMAGE)
Aug 13, 2019 04:38 AM EDT

Asian Longhorned Beetle Larvae Eat Plant Tissues that Their Parents Cannot

Despite the buzz in recent years about other invasive insects that pose an even larger threat to agriculture and trees -- such as the spotted lanternfly, the stink bug, and the emerald ash borer -- Penn State researchers have continued to study another damaging pest, the Asian longhorned beetle. ...

Fractal Clusters (IMAGE)
Aug 13, 2019 04:38 AM EDT

Research Shows Human Cells Assembling Into Fractal-Like Clusters

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] -- Tree-like branching structures are everywhere in the human body, from the bronchial system in the lungs to the spidering capillaries that supply blood to the extremities. Researchers have long worked to understand the cellular signaling needed to build these in...

Azetidine 1 (IMAGE)
Aug 12, 2019 02:51 AM EDT

Rice Chemists Show It's Hip to Be Square

The nitrogens are the point. The squares are the frames that carry them. These molecules are called azetidines, and they can be used as building blocks in drug design.

Computer-Generated Multiverse (IMAGE)
Aug 12, 2019 02:33 AM EDT

Virtual 'Universe Machine' Sheds Light on Galaxy Evolution

How do galaxies such as our Milky Way come into existence? How do they grow and change over time? The science behind galaxy formation has remained a puzzle for decades, but a University of Arizona-led team of scientists is one step closer to finding answers thanks to supercomputer simulations.

Low-income, black neighborhoods still hit hard by air pollution
Aug 12, 2019 02:18 AM EDT

Low-Income, Black Neighborhoods Still Hit Hard by Air Pollution

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Disease-causing air pollution remains high in pockets of America - particularly those where many low-income and African-American people live, a disparity highlighted in research presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in New York.

Data from MMS Showing the Shock (Animated GIF) (IMAGE)
Aug 09, 2019 03:33 AM EDT

NASA's MMS Finds First Interplanetary Shock

The Magnetospheric Multiscale mission -- MMS -- has spent the past four years using high-resolution instruments to see what no other spacecraft can. Recently, MMS made the first high-resolution measurements of an interplanetary shock.

Jupiter's Colourful Palette (IMAGE)
Aug 09, 2019 03:32 AM EDT

Hubble Showcases New Portrait of Jupiter

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope reveals the intricate, detailed beauty of Jupiter's clouds in this new image taken on 27 June 2019 [1]. It features the planet's trademark Great Red Spot and a more intense color palette in the clouds swirling in the planet's turbulent atmosphere than seen in prev...

Back-To-Back Low Snow Years Will Become More Common, Study Projects
Aug 09, 2019 03:32 AM EDT

Back-to-Back Low Snow Years Will Become More Common, Study Projects

WASHINGTON--Consecutive low snow years may become six times more common across the Western United States over the latter half of this century, leading to ecological and economic challenges such as expanded fire seasons and poor snow conditions at ski resorts, according to a study.

Black-Backed Woodpecker (IMAGE)
Aug 08, 2019 03:42 AM EDT

'Mega-Fires' May Be Too Extreme Even for a Bird That Loves Fire

Fire is a natural part of western forests, but the changing nature of fire in many parts of North America may pose challenges for birds.

Dark Matter May Be Older than the Big Bang, Study Suggests
Aug 08, 2019 03:42 AM EDT

Dark Matter May Be Older than the Big Bang, Study Suggests

Dark matter, which researchers believe makeup about 80% of the universe's mass, is one of the most elusive mysteries in modern physics. What exactly it is and how it came to be is a mystery, but a new Johns Hopkins University study now suggests that dark matter may have existed before the Big Bang.

Adults with Cerebral Palsy at Increased Risk for Mental Health Conditions
Aug 08, 2019 03:42 AM EDT

Adults with Cerebral Palsy at Increased Risk for Mental Health Conditions

ANN ARBOR, Mich. - A new study, published in Annals of Internal Medicine, highlights the need for increased awareness of mental health disorders among adults with cerebral palsy.

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