
Illustration of the Alfvén Pulse Connection between Plasma Swirls Observed in the Solar Photosphere (IMAGE)
Aug 06, 2019 04:46 AM EDT

Magnetic Plasma Pulses Excited by UK-Size Swirls in the Solar Atmosphere

An international team of scientists led by the University of Sheffield has discovered previously undetected observational evidence of frequent energetic wave pulses the size of the UK, transporting energy from the solar surface to the higher solar atmosphere.

New Zealand Kaka (IMAGE)
Aug 06, 2019 04:38 AM EDT

New Zealand's Biodiversity Will Take Millions of Years to Recover

The arrival of humans in New Zealand, some 700 years ago, triggered a wave of extinction among native bird species. Many more species are currently under threat.

Aug 06, 2019 04:30 AM EDT

Rice Lab Produces Simple Fluorescent Surfactants

HOUSTON - (Aug. 5, 2019) - Laboratories use surfactants to separate things, and fluorescent dyes to see things. Rice University chemists have combined the two to simplify life for scientists everywhere.

The Lion-Man Sculpture as An Example of Prefrontal Synthesis from 37,000 Years Ago (IMAGE)
Aug 05, 2019 03:27 AM EDT

Recursive Language and Modern Imagination Were Acquired Simultaneously 70,000 Years Ago

A genetic mutation that slowed down the development of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in two or more children may have triggered a cascade of events leading to the acquisition of recursive language and modern imagination 70,000 years ago. This new hypothesis, called Romulus and Remus and coined by D...

Leopard Seals (IMAGE)
Aug 05, 2019 03:17 AM EDT

TV Crews Capture First Evidence of Leopard Seals Sharing Food

Drone footage captured by crews filming the Netflix series Our Planet - narrated by Sir David Attenborough - has shown never-before-seen behavior of two leopard seals sharing food. Despite being considered a charismatic and enigmatic Antarctic predator, leopard seals are normally thought of as being...

Global Labor Flow (IMAGE)
Aug 05, 2019 03:10 AM EDT

Researchers Create First-Ever 'Map' of Global Labor Flow

A small team of researchers at Indiana University has created the first global map of labor flow in collaboration with the world's largest professional social network, LinkedIn. The work is reported in the journal Nature Communications.

The New Species of Rain Frogs (IMAGE)
Aug 02, 2019 03:11 AM EDT

Eleven New Species of Rain Frogs Discovered in the Tropical Andes

Eleven new to science species of rain frogs are described by two scientists from the Museum of Zoology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador in the open-access journal ZooKeys. Discovered in the Ecuadorian Andes, the species are characterized in detail on the basis of genetic, morphologic...

Fabricating Soils (IMAGE)
Aug 02, 2019 03:01 AM EDT

Study Identifies Way to Enhance the Sustainability of Manufactured Soils

A combination of waste materials supplemented with a product of biomass could help in the search for high-quality soils, a new study suggests. Soil degradation is posing a huge threat to global food security and every year, around 12 million hectares of cropland are lost to soil erosion.

Wildebeest (IMAGE)
Aug 02, 2019 02:49 AM EDT

Study Suggests Economic Growth Benefits Wildlife but Growing Human Populations Do Not

In a world-first, researchers at ZSL and UCL compared changes in bird and mammal populations with socio-economic trends in low- and lower-middle-income countries over the past 20 years. Their results suggest that national-level economic growth and more gender-balanced governments enhance wildlife po...

Vulnerable Brain Regions During Side Hit to the Head (IMAGE)
Aug 01, 2019 06:50 AM EDT

Researchers Show How Side Hit to the Head Could Damage Brain, Lead to Concussion

Play contact sports for any length of time and at one point or another, you're probably going to have your 'bell rung' by a powerful blow to the head from a hard hit or fall. Rising awareness of the severe, abiding repercussions of strong impacts to the head--concussions, mild traumatic brain injury...

Spider Vision (IMAGE)
Aug 01, 2019 03:57 AM EDT

Baby Spiders Really are Watching You

Baby jumping spiders can hunt prey just like their parents do because they have vision nearly as good. A study published in the journal Vision Research helps explain how animals the size of a bread crumb fit all the complex architecture of adult eyes into a much tinier package.

Plants Image (IMAGE)
Aug 01, 2019 03:35 AM EDT

A Scientific Approach to Recreate Metabolic Evolution in Plants

Plants have evolved to produce a variety of compounds that vary from species to species. These compounds play a key role in the survival strategies of plants. Compounds that are bitter and poisonous protect the plants from being eaten by insects and animals.

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