
Mar 28, 2013 08:17 AM EDT

NASA Reveals that Saturn's Ancient Rings and Moons Date to the Birth of Our Solar System

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has revealed the ancient origin of Saturn's rings and moons, dating back to our solar system's birth.

FDA Approves First Combination Pill 'Harvoni' to Treat Hepatitis C
Mar 28, 2013 07:23 AM EDT

FDA Approves Oral Drug to Treat Multiple Sclerosis

The company Biogen Idec has won the approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its drug to treat adults with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), which affects the person's central nervous system. The drug, called 'Tecfidera', is the company's third approved drug but is the first d...

Sea Lion Wanders to Settle Cosily Along Poolside at a California Hotel
Mar 28, 2013 07:12 AM EDT

Sea Lion Wanders from Beach to Settle Cosily Along Poolside at California Hotel

The female sea lion pup created a stir as it waddled its way from the California beach into the nearby luxury hotel where it settled cosily along the poolside inclining itself at the patio bar.

Brazilian Doctor Charged for allegedly Killing Patients to Free up Hospital Beds
Mar 28, 2013 05:19 AM EDT

Brazilian Doctor Charged for Allegedly Killing Patients to Free up Hospital Beds

A Brazilian doctor, Virginia Soares de Souza, is being investigated by the Brazilian health authority on being charged with killing seven terminally-ill patients in order to free up hospital beds.

A Newborn
Mar 28, 2013 04:28 AM EDT

Huge Baby Weighing 15 Pounds 7 Ounces Born in England

A British couple gave birth to a baby weighing 15 pounds 7 ounces, twice the size of an average newborn. Reports according to The Christian Post claim that the baby, weighing 7 kgs, is the second-biggest newborn ever delivered vaginally in the United Kingdom.

Increased Seismic Activity
Mar 27, 2013 10:22 PM EDT

Strong 6.1 magnitude Earthquake Strikes Taiwan, Kills 1, Injures 19

An earthquake killed one person and injured at least 86 others in Taiwan on Wednesday and officials say it occurred on a "blind fault" which could produce a far stronger earthquake in the future.

Mar 27, 2013 09:54 PM EDT

Three Divers Arrested After Attempting to Cut Undersea Internet Cable Near Egypt

Three scuba divers were arrested off the coast Egypt by the country's naval forces as they attempted to cut through an undersea Internet cable on Wednesday, according to various reports.

Mar 27, 2013 06:13 PM EDT

Large DNA Study Analyzed Genetic Risk to Develop Cancer

In the largest DNA study ever, scientists analyzed the genetic code of 200,000 people - half with cancer and the other half without. By finding the differences, the researchers could identify over 80 regions of the human genome so far that, when found in an individual, means an increased risk of cer...

 XCOR Aerospace Significant Propulsion Milestone on Lynx Suborbital Vehicle
Mar 27, 2013 05:38 PM EDT

New Rocket Engine Milestone For Lynx Suborbital Space Plane Reached

A full piston pump-powered rocket engine prototype was test-fired by XCOR Aerospace, which marks a first in aviation and space history. The company hopes that this breakthrough could be the foundation for fully reusable spacecraft that can fly multiple times per day, every day just like jet planes.

Mar 27, 2013 04:19 PM EDT

The Lost Galaxy NGC 4535 Seen Through ESO Very Large Telescope

The ESO 8.2-meter Very Large Telescope made this amazing image of "the lost galaxy" NGC 4535, which is one of the largest galaxies in the massive Virgo Cluster. This mega cluster consists of as many as 2000 galaxies and is about 50 million light-years away. Although the Virgo Cluster is not much lar...

Mar 27, 2013 02:14 PM EDT

Experimenting With LSD, Scientists Decipher Two Serotonin Receptors

Two receptor molecules for the natural neurotransmitter serotonin, representing a crucial messaging mechanism in our brain that influences our conciousness, have now been deciphered by researchers employing X-ray crystallography to analyze the compounds at an atomic level.

Mar 27, 2013 02:01 PM EDT

Organic Versus Nonorganic: Healthier Fruit Flies Reveal Truth Behind Food

Fruit flies that ate organic fruit were healthier than those that ate nonorganic products, according to a new study.

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