
Mar 24, 2013 10:10 PM EDT

Rare Giraffe Born: Endangered Rothschild Giraffe at Connecticut Conservation Site Stands Up (VIDEO)

A rare site graced a zoo in Connecticut in the early hours this weekend.

Mar 24, 2013 09:35 PM EDT

Google Glass May be Banned in West Virginia Even Before Official Debut

Although Google Glass, the innovative eye-wear meets computer, has not officially hit the market - West Virginia legislators proposed a bill on Friday that would ban using a wearable computer with a head-mounted display while driving a car.

Mar 24, 2013 08:58 PM EDT

FDA Lays Out Plan to Regulate Heart Defibrillators Following 45,000 Faulty Reports in 7 Years

Following 45,000 reports of over the past seven years in lifesaving devices called automated external defibrillators, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration proposed on Friday to require all manufacturers to get agency approval.

Mar 24, 2013 10:48 AM EDT

Midwest Snowstorm: National Weather Service Indicates High Winds and Snow Could be Hazardous for Travel through Plains, Midwest (VIDEO)

The National Weather Service reported that parts of Colorado and northwest Kansas saw approximately 10 to 15 inches of snow Saturday, with southwestern Nebraska also hit with 7 inches.

Plasma Rain on Sun
Mar 23, 2013 11:53 PM EDT

Unusually Low Sun Activity Expected to Give Way to Maximum And Solar Storms This Year

The 11-year cycle of solar activity was supposed to be at a maximum in these months, but our sun is instead very quiet until now, apart from the occasional CME shot towards Earth, with only light effects for the last two this week and last month.

ITER Tokamak
Mar 23, 2013 07:25 PM EDT

What Is The Lawson Criteria, Or How to Make Fusion Power Viable

The magic figure to ignite a sustained fusion fire is a triple product of three crucial parameters, greater than 5 x 1021 m-3s keV . In its high power experiments of 1997 JET achieved around one fifth of that value.

Mar 23, 2013 04:07 PM EDT

Snake Burns House: Texas Fire Department says Gasoline-Doused Serpent to Blame, Most Snakes Harmless if Left Alone (VIDEO)

A snake burning a house down? Unlikely, of course, but Texas authorities at the local Fire Department believe that a woman's frenzied reaction to the serpent sparked the flame.

Children Playing
Mar 23, 2013 03:41 PM EDT

Early Fitness may Reduce the Risk of Fractures, Healthy Children Increase Peak Bone Mass during Youth

A recent study shows that fitness in children may help prevent the possibility of fractures later in life, according to the American Orthopaedic Society.

Computer Chip
Mar 23, 2013 11:04 AM EDT

Lockheed Martin Quantum Computer Speeds Through Problems Millions of Times Faster

Lockheed Martin's quantum computer could herald a new era of computing, speeding through problems millions of times more quickly than current systems.

Full Moon
Mar 23, 2013 10:11 AM EDT

NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Images Dark Side of the Moon (Video)

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has imaged the most detailed view yet of the dark side of the moon.

Earth Impact
Mar 23, 2013 09:12 AM EDT

Comet, Not Asteroid, Killed Dinosaurs in Mass Extinction Event

A comet, not an asteroid, may have killed 70 percent of the world's species during the mass extinction that destroyed the dinosaurs.

Rescued Sea Otter Moves Into Monterey Bay Aquarium
Mar 23, 2013 08:43 AM EDT

Rescued Sea Otter Moves to Monterey Bay Aquarium

A female otter pup is officially being shifted to the Vancouver Aquarium after thousands of hours of rehabilitative care. A team from Vancouver Aquarium spent more than 2,000 hours working with the Alaska SeaLife Center in rehabilitation and critical care of the orphaned pup.

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