
Breast Cancer Patients Fail to Meet Physical Activity Guidelines
Mar 19, 2013 02:41 PM EDT

San Francisco Study Reports Biennial Mammograms Better for Women 50 and Older, Including those with Dense Breast Tissue

A new national study finds that a screening for breast cancer every two years appears to be just as beneficial as yearly mammograms for women ages 50 to 74, with significantly fewer "false positives" or even for women whose breasts are dense who use hormone therapy for menopause, according to the jo...

Wright Brothers
Mar 19, 2013 02:07 PM EDT

Wrong about the Wright Brothers: New Evidence Reveals German Man First in Flight

Are we wrong about the Wright brothers? New evidence may show that a German immigrant was the first to fly.

Mar 19, 2013 01:10 PM EDT

Origins of Kepler's Famous Supernova Revealed by NASA Images

The origins of a famous supernova may have finally been put to rest, according to a new study that uses data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory.

Mar 19, 2013 12:27 PM EDT

Athletes Have a Mental Advantage: New Reasons to Throw a Ball

Athletes have a cognitive advantage over their nonathletic peers, according to a new study.

Mar 19, 2013 11:33 AM EDT

Neanderthal Brains Lose Out to Social Early Humans

Neanderthal brains were actually better adapted for seeing and maintaining their bigger bodies rather than forming large, social groups

Monarch Butterfly
Mar 19, 2013 10:44 AM EDT

Monarch Butterfly Population Plummets: Is the Drought to Blame?

Monarch butterfly numbers are plummeting--partly due to the drought that has ravaged the southwest.

 A Large Manatee Spotted in the Appomattox River
Mar 19, 2013 09:50 AM EDT

Mysterious, New Ailment Kills Manatees off of Florida Coast

A mysterious, new ailment is killing manatees in Florida.

Deep breath Can be a Stress Detector: Study
Mar 19, 2013 09:16 AM EDT

Deep Breaths can be a Stress Detector: Study

Researchers from Loughborough University claim that a person's deep breaths could be a stress detector.

Mar 19, 2013 09:02 AM EDT

Climate Change Could Worsen Hurricane Storm Surge: Fearsome Storms on the Rise

Hurricanes are on the rise and will only grow more frequent as the planet continues to warm, according to a new study.

NYC Mayor Proposes to Keep Tobacco Out of Sight in stores
Mar 19, 2013 08:55 AM EDT

NYC Mayor Proposes to Keep Tobacco out of Sight in Stores

A statement from the city's health department says a bill unveiled by New York's Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg March 18 requires tobacco products to be kept out of sight from customers, reports LiveScience.

More Intensive Programs Needed to Boost Healthy Eating and Activity Among Kids
Mar 19, 2013 08:29 AM EDT

Family Mealtimes Linked to Healthy Eating Attitudes

A latest study claims that family mealtimes are important for both girls and boys. The study links family mealtime to less eating disorders in girls and less depression in boys.

Mar 19, 2013 08:20 AM EDT

Caribbean Stingray Behavior Drastically Transforms for Tourists: More Food, Please!

Stingrays in the Caribbean have transformed their behavior in response to tourism feeding, according to a new study.

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