
Polar Bears Arriving on Land Early Due To Climate Change
Mar 20, 2013 03:44 AM EDT

Polar Bears Arriving on Land Early due to Climate Change

A latest finding claims that polar bears are shifting their migration pattern because of the changes in the sea ice. The warming climate has therefore limited the time the polar bears can hunt on sea ice.

Mar 19, 2013 09:38 PM EDT

Disabling TRPM2 Calcium Channel Could Help Aid Gout Treatments

A recent study shows that new drugs could help the treatment of gout.

Mar 19, 2013 09:26 PM EDT

Neiman Marcus Settles ‘Faux’ Fur Case with FTC

Neiman Marcus and two other retailers agreed to settle federal charges on Tuesday over claims it sold products containing real animal fur as "faux fur," and mislabeled the true source of the fur.

Mar 19, 2013 08:16 PM EDT

Single Concussion May Result in Lasting Neurological or Psychological Brain Problems

A bump on the noggin even when an MRI may report nothing could still not mean you're out of the woods according to a new study.

Mar 19, 2013 07:47 PM EDT

Syria Chemical Attack: Poison Gases Released Caused Unconsciousness, Convulsions and Death

Syria's state television indicated that rebels fired a rocket carrying chemical agents that killed approximately 25 individuals and wounded dozens, according to reports. This led to many complicated health situations in those that lived.

Mar 19, 2013 05:55 PM EDT

Graphic Health Images Blocked from U.S. Cigarette Packs, 443,000 Deaths in U.S. Caused by Tobacco Annually

The Food and Drug Administration is going back to the drawing board concerning certain pictures that would have graced the front of U.S. cigarette packs. The government has called the images too graphic and according to The Associated Press, Attorney General Eric Holder said the nine graphic warning...

Mar 19, 2013 04:43 PM EDT

Big Progress And Big Business of Cancer Research

The ultimate goal for all actors in cancer research is to find a cure for the disease, which the Swiss Cancer League says will affect one in three people during their lifetime.

Fast volumetric imaging of the larval zebrafish brain with light-sheet microscopy (credit: Misha B Ahrens, Philipp J Keller/Nature Methods)
Mar 19, 2013 04:10 PM EDT

Real-Time Whole Brain Neuronal Activity Imaging is Becoming Possible With New Technology

A new imaging technology is so fast and has such a high resolution that it can show the activity of single neurons firing in a brain.

Mar 19, 2013 03:57 PM EDT

Anthrax Vaccine Testing on Kids Unethical? Bioethics Commission Pushes for Further Research

A presidential commission reports that a new controversial government proposal to test an anthrax vaccine in children would be unethical without more research.

Mar 19, 2013 03:03 PM EDT

Evolutionary Roots of Human Teamwork Discovered in Chimpanzees

Chimps have demonstrated a capacity for teamwork, a fundamental trait in some of humanity's greatest achievements. Are we surprised?

Elderly woman
Mar 19, 2013 02:58 PM EDT

Risk of Death from Degenerative Brain Disease rose 39 Percent within Last Decade, Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease Fell

Many suffering or have watched a loved one going through the stages of Alzheimer's know how heartbreaking and debilitating the disease can be. And, unfortunately, new reports show that the risk of dying from Alzheimer's disease have risen signficantely in the United States within the last decade.

Mar 19, 2013 02:41 PM EDT

Newly Created Phaser Blasts Sound Waves Instead of Light

Scientists have now built a 'phaser' that uses sound waves instead of light like a conventional laser.

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